Online Class: HR Compensation and Benefits

HR Benefits and Compensation is a course that is designed for those who are looking to gain a basic understanding of compensation and benefits in support of organizational development and success.

Self-Paced, Online Class
Bethel Park Public Library
  • 8
  • 10
    Exams &
  • 3
    average time
  • 0.3
    Video Audit

Course Description

Unlocking the Power of Employee Value: Dive Deep into HR Benefits and Compensation

In the ever-evolving landscape of human resources, the pillars of benefits and compensation stand tall as the linchpins of talent acquisition and retention. Introducing "HR Benefits and Compensation" – your comprehensive guide to mastering this crucial domain of HR. Whether you're at the helm of a sprawling conglomerate or leading a nimble startup, this meticulously crafted course offers a treasure trove of insights tailored to fit every organizational mold.

Spread across eight meticulously structured lessons, our course not only decodes the basics but also delves deep into the strategic nuances of benefits and compensation:

  • The Heartbeat of HR: Understand the sheer magnitude of impact that benefits and compensation wield in shaping the organizational culture and ethos.
  • Deciphering the DNA: Break down the intricate components of compensation and benefits to truly grasp their significance.
  • Navigating the Regulatory Maze: Stay always a step ahead by mastering the myriad HR regulations that govern these realms.
  • Strategic Blueprint: Learn how to draft and implement a strategic roadmap for benefits, ensuring alignment with the broader organizational vision.
  • The Needs Assessment Advantage: Equip yourself with the tools to identify and bridge gaps in your HR strategies, ensuring they remain ever-relevant.
  • Operational Excellence: Dive into the nitty-gritty of policy management, program execution, and activity management.
  • The Corporate Custodian: Understand the broader organizational responsibilities tied to HR benefits and compensation.
  • The Small Business Edge: Discover tailored strategies for small businesses, ensuring they punch above their weight in the talent market.

As the war for talent intensifies, businesses are awakening to a profound realization: an attractive compensation package might open the door for talent, but it's the holistic benefits that ensure they stay. With changing employee expectations, a one-size-fits-all approach no longer suffices. Organizations need to tailor their offerings, making them flexible, relevant, and aligned with individual and collective aspirations. This course serves as a beacon for those very endeavors.

Moreover, small businesses, often perceived as the underdogs in this talent race, will find in this course a goldmine of strategies. By reframing their perspective and leveraging their unique strengths, they can craft compelling packages that rival even their larger counterparts.

"HR Benefits and Compensation" isn’t just a course—it’s a movement. A movement aimed at reshaping the way organizations perceive and approach employee value. Designed with a blend of theoretical knowledge, real-world insights, and actionable strategies, this course is the North Star for HR professionals and organizational leaders.

Embark on this transformative journey and redefine your organization's approach to talent. After all, in the words of Richard Branson, "Take care of your employees, and they'll take care of your business." Join us, and take the first step towards sculpting a thriving, talent-centric organizational paradigm.

Course Motivation

The work of human resources is more than just hiring people. When you're a part of the strategic planning of an organization, the role of HR is to lead the company into a successful future. 

From the starting point of hiring team members, to developing them and bringing them into higher roles of leadership and management, the HR department is tasked with making sure a company is able to continue to support its customers and its clients – and that support comes from having the right team in place. 

It's certainly a process that requires finding the right talent for the current (and future) needs, but it's also a process of attracting the right talent when positions need to be filled. The right compensation and benefits packages can help with these goals. 

Why Employers Need to Worry About Compensation and Benefits

As an employer, you need to remember that you have people working for you for a few reasons. 1. They're good at what they do. 2. You need the talents they have. 3. The employee wants to be at the company. 

The first two are simple to understand, but number three is often where companies falter in their strategic planning. By not realizing what employees need to stay at a job, the company can miss out on talent that could bolster their bottom line. 

Employers who worry about compensation and benefits will: 

  • Attract the right talent – Companies that have a strong compensation and benefits package to offer can bring in better talent, more often. While the company may not be able to pay as much as other companies, the benefits the employee can receive may be enough to bring them in the door and keep them in their role for a long period of time. An employee who has multiple job offers will often choose the one that speaks to their current needs and to their long-term goals.
  • Bring in diverse employees – When you can offer a compensation package and a benefits package that speaks to the needs of more kinds of employees -- one that is adjustable and includes family coverage -- a company will expand the number of people who apply. This sort of compensation and benefit strategy will also help bring in younger employees who may need to have more extensive packages as they move through their career, i.e. family coverage, spousal coverage, etc.
  • Keep talented employees on board – An employee who is taken care of by their employer is one that will stay in their company for a longer period of time. This is especially true when the compensation and benefits packages are structured to increase, or to shift over time. For example, if an employee knows their talents will garner them pay raises in the future, they will be willing – and able – to stay in the company. They will not need to continue to look for other jobs that pay more or cover their needs. 
  • Reduces costs – Though some companies will look at compensation and benefits are merely costs to add to their budgets, smart companies will see the way that these packages will reduce costs. Think about how much it costs to train a new person and to bring them to the level of skill or knowledge that a long-term employee has. By finding ways to bring in talented people who are going to stick around, companies can reduce their labor costs.
  • Reduces other costs – Another way to look at the cost savings of benefits is health care. When employees have access to strong healthcare plans, they will use them. And when the employees use these benefits, they are more likely to become, and to stay, healthy. If they stay healthy, this means fewer sick days, fewer days away from the office, and more productivity when in the office. If an employee feels good at their job, they will be able to get things done, instead of worrying about their health (or taking time away to get back to wellness).
  • Stay competitive in their market – Though it might not seem like an important issue to smaller businesses (or might not seem relevant), the more competitive the compensation and benefits packages can be, the more competitive the company will become. They will gain a reputation of being the organization that people want to work for, which increases the company's effectiveness and will pull talent to that company versus another company.
  • See more long-term results – The more that a team is able to perform well and to feel as though they are supported in their job, the more they will be able to secure results. This adds up to more revenue and more positive outcomes over time. 

When Compensation and Benefits Aren't Considered a Part of a Business' Strategy 

After seeing the ways in which a good compensation and benefits strategy can help a company, it's clear what will happen when these plans aren't in place. 

  • Less ability to attract talent – Those who do have the talents a company needs will not be inclined to apply, or to accept, a position with a company. Instead, they will seek out more attractive offers.
  • More turnover – Employees who are not happy with their compensation and benefits will often continue to look for better positions at other companies. They will not have long-term plans with the company, and will switch jobs to get the better deal.
  • Increased sick days – Those who do not have benefits to use, or who do not have good benefits, will often be sicker. They will often have to stay home from work, or they will not be able to come in regularly, as they may be taking care of themselves or their family. At the same time, those who do not have benefits to use may also come into work sick, spreading their germs around and making others sick.
  • Reduced competitive edge – In a market that is continuously changing and shifting, companies need to stay competitive. With a strong benefits and compensation package, a company will not be able to keep up.  


Companies that are interested in staying competitive will need to look at whether they make their compensation and benefits packages a priority. Though companies can survive without a strong HR influence, these companies often experience high turnover rates and higher costs in the long run.


Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.3 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(738 votes)
  • Lesson 1: The Importance of Compensation and Benefits

    When you're a part of the strategic planning of an organization, the role of HR is to lead the company into a successful future.
  • Lesson 2: What Compensation and Benefits Are

    This lesson will discuss the current HR thought about these different compensation and benefit offerings.
  • Lesson 3: Following HR Regulations

    Within the practice of HR, there are laws that have been put into place to protect the employees, as well as the integrity of the workplace
  • Lesson 4: Organizational HR Strategies

    While compensation and benefits are a part of the HR focus for an organization, its important to keep in mind these pieces are also a part of the overall organizational strategy.
  • Lesson 5: Benefits of a Needs Assessment

    To find out what is necessary, it is vital for you to do some research. In HR terminology, this is called performing a needs assessment.
  • Lesson 6: Managing Policies, Programs, and Activities

    The more clarity you have about compensation and benefits, the more the team will look up to you and trust in the direction you are headed for the organization.
  • Lesson 7: Organizational Responsibilities

    Since you are entrusted to create recommendations for organizational success, you will need to be the one who finds the data for managers.
  • Lesson 8: What Small Businesses Should Know

    If you want to build strong teams, you need to have an effective compensation package in place, with benefits.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of compensation and benefits and what they are.
  • Determine HR regulations and use best practices for following them.
  • Identify organizational HR strategies.
  • Describe benefits of a needs assessment.
  • Learn how to manage HR policies, programs, and activities.
  • Define organizational responsibilities.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: HR Compensation and Benefits
Course Number: 8900306
Lessons Rating: 4.3 / 5 Stars (738 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Last Updated: October 2023
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.3 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Linda Zavadil
Syllabus: View Syllabus

Student Testimonials

  • "I thought this course conveyed what it set out to do by explaining in detail compensation and benefit processes of both large and small companies. I found this course very enlightening and detailed, without being overwhelming." -- Heather B.
  • "I thought this class was very helpful even for a non-HR employee so I know what suggestions I can always make and how to understand the benefits offered to myself." -- Breanna C.
  • "This course taught me a lot that I didn't know about HR Compensation and its important role in a company." -- Eleni M.
  • "It is really great and want to see more HR courses in universal class." -- Seblework L.
  • "Great course and great teacher will take her again." -- Lynn B.
  • "This class was well organized." -- Kirsten M.

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