Online Class: Mastering Conversation Skills

Conversational skills such active listening, empathy, and non-verbal communication will be explored in-depth; examination and useful strategies for mastering small talk; an understanding of the components that contribute to successful use of storytelling and humor; and the skill of improvisation and how it can be used to keep the conversation going when you feel at a loss for words.

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Course Description

Unlocking the Power of Impactful Communication: A Comprehensive Guide

Step into a world where every conversation is an opportunity, and every interaction, a chance to inspire. Welcome to our course, dedicated to honing your communication finesse for both social engagements and professional environments.

Understanding the core of communication is not just about speaking; it's an intricate blend of listening actively, exuding empathy, and mastering the art of non-verbal cues. This course doesn't just skim the surface; we delve deep, laying out the foundational blocks of communication. Grasp how elements synergize, shaping our everyday interactions and the impressions we leave behind.

Master the subtle dance of conversation, from the nuances of small talk to the impactful resonance of storytelling and humor. Uncover the secrets behind effective conversational flow, ensuring you can spark meaningful exchanges with anyone, anywhere. And for those moments when words seem elusive? We introduce the magic of improvisation, a tool to rekindle conversation and banish awkward silences.

But we won't stop there. We're offering more than just conversation mechanics. Navigate the complexities of leading dialogues, understanding when to listen and when to take charge. Gain practical strategies to alleviate anxiety or hesitation in social situations, ensuring you always present your best self.

And the benefits? They're boundless. As you integrate these skills, you'll notice a profound transformation. Conversations become richer, relationships deepen, and opportunities multiply. Your heightened self-awareness and confidence will make you a magnet for both personal connections and business collaborations.

So, are you ready to elevate your communication prowess? To transform casual chats into meaningful dialogues and business talks into influential discussions? Join us, and unleash the power of masterful communication, a skillset that promises to open doors in every facet of life.

Course Motivation

It is an important starting point to broadly define communication as a function in which people convey thoughts, emotions, or meaning to others. Communication is fundamental in how human beings relate to others socially, as well as vital in creating and maintaining societal and cultural structures. It is a complex phenomenon that includes multiple skills, which work together to allow people to pass along and interpret information and messages to others. It is important to note that each of the following communication skills is not used in isolation, but is like an instrument in a larger orchestra. Each skill often involves the use of other skills.

Active Listening

Active listening can be overlooked when considering communication skills, since communication is often most aligned with providing information or conveying messages to others. However, communication is a two-way practice, with listening being vital for understanding. Active listening is different than simple passive listening, because it is defined by the focus of attention on the information the other person is producing. The goal of active listening is that all the information conveyed is absorbed by the listener, understood, and can be reproduced at a later point to confirm understanding. A key factor in practicing active listening is to concentrate on the details of what the other person is communicating to you with the goal of taking in those details, as opposed to preparing what you want to say next.


In order to relate to others, whether personally or professionally, it is important to be able to put yourself in their shoes. Empathy is a skill that helps you feel what another person is feeling as they share an experience. Empathy is key in developing relational rapport in the professional world. As a person uses the skill of empathy to relate to another person, trust begins to form, which lays a foundation for future clear, honest, and functional communication. Empathy, while a skill in itself, also involves the use of both verbal and non-verbal communication skills to convey a genuine desire to understand the experience of another person. Empathy also uses other skills, like asking questions and providing validating statements to demonstrate that the other person's feelings and experiences matter to you.

Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication encompasses facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, forms of body movement, posture, and quality of a person's voice. In fact, non-verbal communication is how most people pass information between one another. Human beings are often not conscious of how much they use non-verbal communication to convey information, and to pick up on others' non-verbal communications. A simple shift of the eyes or use of hand gestures can be interpreted by others as conveying certain emotions or information. Another key factor in non-verbal communication is how much the non-verbal cues align with the verbal language the person is using to express feeling or share information. Some individuals may verbally express certain words, but their non-verbal cues do not seem to fit with what is being said. As a result, others may perceive that person to be unpredictable or difficult to relate to. On the other hand, a person whose verbal words align with the non-verbal cues can seem more approachable and trustworthy. Developing awareness of your non-verbal communication cues involves the use of mindfulness strategies: noticing your gestures or the shift of your eyes when you are feeling different emotions, or focusing on where you sit in a room; who you are naturally drawn to sit next to, or where in the room you sit. Being aware of the role of non-verbal communication in your personal and professional life can help in better aligning those non-verbal cues with the verbal language you use to communicate. This can then enhance your approachability.

Conflict Resolution

Skills involved in mediating areas of disagreement or conflict can be vital in both a personal and professional arena. Conflict resolution involves the use of compromise and openness. In order to reach an agreement with others, a person must be willing to be flexible and also open minded to other perspectives. The sub-skill of remaining open minded can be practiced through the use of active listening and empathy. As a person develops his or her active listening and empathy skills, they broaden their perspective and build the capacity to be patient and open to others. This practice is vital in conflict resolution. The key is to make the other person feel heard and respected, otherwise, that person has little reason to reciprocate and have respect for your own ideas.

Another key aspect of conflict resolution is anger management. When there is a disagreement in the home or workplace, it can be easy to let emotions like anger take over our ability to be rational. Breathing exercises are very helpful to a person who may be more easily triggered with anger. If you feel you are practicing empathy and listening, yet the other person is being unreasonable, deep breathing will allow you to regain your logical thinking. When reaching a level of conflict that feels as though the other person cannot reach an agreement, reassessing the goal of your communication with this person can be helpful, such as, "Let's each take a minute and think about what our mutual goal here is?" Mutual goals can help keep each party grounded in the purpose of your discussion and also perhaps allow flexibility on both ends to compromise.

Knowing When to Lead and When to Follow

This communication skill follows closely after conflict resolution, because it is a skill in which you are working to read the other person. The essential component of this skill is to understand when you should take charge in a conversation, or let the other person lead.This is a very complex skill to acquire and requires continued growth in one's own self awareness of one's strengths and weakness. Professionally, if you know that you may not be as well versed on a topic, compared to a colleague, using the skill of active listening and focused questioning can demonstrate a willingness to learn and grow. Or, if you have confidence in a certain topic, because of your education or extensive experience in that area, it is fitting to take the lead on providing information to others. However, an important question to ask yourself before you endow another person with the knowledge or information you have, or as you begin to drive a conversation is, "What is my goal for providing this information?" Depending on the context, your goal may be to impress your boss, in which case finding a window to direct the conversation to demonstrate your strengths is appropriate. In other contexts, your goal may be to teach others what you know, in which case it is important to avoid the desire to portray your strengths, and instead focus on the objective of teaching the others what needs to be learned. Overall, knowing the context and the goals of the needed conversations is the foundation to knowing whether to lead or follow.

Perceiving in the Present

Everyone perceives situations. Perception involves the use of the senses, along with non-verbal cues and the prior knowledge of a person or situation. People perceive themselves and others in a certain light, depending on their past experiences with other people. As a result, people will develop schemas that can lead a person to predict what will happen if x, y, or z are present in a certain situation. Developing such schemas is adaptive for human beings, because it allows each person to feel some level of control as they move through life. On the other hand, schemas can restrict the perception of people, because a person may have "tunnel vision" within certain situations, or around certain people. This "tunnel vision" means the person already has formed beliefs or opinions about a situation or a person, without being present to truly perceive what is going on in that unique context. As a result of this tunnel vision, the person's perceptions can be skewed. For example, a person may have experienced, in the past, a person who is very talkative and loud to be "negative." The person formed a schema about talkative and loud people, so that now, when they encounter someone with a loud voice or who talks at a rapid pace, they feel anxious and form negative perceptions of that person -- when in reality, they have not taken the time to use skills of empathy, questioning, and active listening to really get to know that person.


While past experiences can be important for our own ability to predict situations, it is important to try and be present when communicating with someone -- gaining all the facts and information about that person, as an individual, as opposed to letting assumptions form your perceptions of them. The skill of being present is key to reading and sensing who the other person is. The skill of perception can allow you to avoid becoming unfairly defensive toward someone who may remind you of a past negative experience. Avoiding assumptions is a sub-skill of perceiving in the present, as it allows you to remain open and also be able to connect with the immediate conversation.

Use of Language

While we discussed that non-verbal cues actually make up the majority of communication, this should not take away from the power of word choice. Being able to select the words you use in a conversation -- intentionally and thoughtfully -- can pave the way for ease of communication and understanding between the parties involved. The use of language skills relates closely to many other communication skills discussed here. Active listening is key in selecting the words you will use to convey your own understanding of the other person. Also connected to active listening is the skill of perceiving in the present and avoiding assumptions. As you are actively listening to the words used by the other person, it is important to not assume you know the definition, as it relates to that person. So a key skill is to ask the person, "What do you mean by 'X'?" Here, you demonstrate to the other person you are actively listening by using his or her word choice. You also demonstrate an avoidance of assuming you know what that person means, and therefore, are not being clouded by past experiences, but rather perceiving in the present during that conversation.

Use of language involves your own taking in of the other person's specific word choice, which will then influence the words you choose to try and convey in a message to another person. Redundancy can lead to confusion on the part of the person you are communicating with. Pay close attention to the words you are using; if you notice you use the same words over and over, yet the other person still does not seem to understand what you mean, it may helpful to try and select different words. However, if, over the course of the conversation, you still find yourself being redundant and the other person finds you unclear, it may be an indication you also are confused about what you are trying to convey. This means you may benefit from stepping away from the conversation and doing some reflection on your own end as to what message you are trying to communicate. Once you feel more sure of the meaning, you may then be able to use more concise and specific language to convey your message.

Considering Culture

Making a point on culture is important when considering communication skills. Gaining awareness of other cultures' styles of communication is an important skill to acquire, and one that feeds into all the other skills discussed here. Especially in regard to perception and assumptions, working to ask questions about another person's culture can help to broaden your own perspectives. For example, a person may not make eye contact and you may have past experiences that lead you to form a perception of that person as timid and lacking confidence. However, being able to take a step back to get to know that person's culture, not only establishes rapport through empathy and active listening, but also allows you to avoid wrong assumptions. It may be that the person is from a culture that views direct eye contact as disrespectful, so in fact, his or her lack of eye contact is their attempt to demonstrate respect.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.6 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(1,628 votes)

Lesson 1: Overview of Communication Skills

Communication is a complex phenomenon that includes multiple skills, which work together to allow human beings to pass along and interpret information and messages to others. Additional lesson topics: Speak Like a Leader: The Definitive Guide to Mastering the Art of Conversation and Becoming a Great Speaker; The Art of Mingling: Fun and Proven Techniques for Mastering Any Room 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 1 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course
  • Complete Assignment: An Introduction
  • Assessment: Exam 1

Lesson 2: Our Need to Be Social - a Brief History

For the purpose of this lesson, we will focus on some broad theories that have been used across many areas of research in social and cultural evolution. Additional lesson topics: Complete History of Social Media: Then and Now; The History of Communication Technology 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 2 Video
  • Assessment: Exam 2

Lesson 3: The Art of Small Talk

Small talk is defined as the use of casual conversation with the goal of getting a sense of another person, and beginning to establish rapport. Additional lesson topics: The Several Big Rules of Small Talk; An Introvert's Guide to Small Talk: Eight Painless Tips 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 3 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 3 Assignment
  • Assessment: Exam 3

Lesson 4: Using Storytelling and Humor

Storytelling can bring together individuals of different cultures, as a story can highlight fundamental aspects of being human. Additional lesson topics: Mastering The Art Of Storytelling As A Conversation Technique; ONCE UPON A TIME AT THE OFFICE: Several STORYTELLING TIPS TO HELP YOU BE MORE PERSUASIVE; Mastering Conversation 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 4 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 4 Assignment
  • Assessment: Exam 4

Lesson 5: Making Use of Improvisation and Other Tricks to Keep a Conversation Going

Improvisation involves multiple skills that overlap with other domains of conversation and communication. Additional lesson topics: Want to sound like a leader? Start by saying your name right; Conversation should be fun; How to be a better improviser; How to think faster, better on your feet 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 5 Video
  • Assessment: Exam 5

Lesson 6: How to Speak Like a Leader

Leadership can seem full of conflicting styles and approaches; however, with the right balance of communication skills, a leader can develop a cohesive team of people to accomplish each goal. Additional lesson topics: How to Speak Like a Leader; How to train yourself to speak like a leader 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 6 Video
  • Assessment: Exam 6

Lesson 7: How to Control the Frame of a Conversation

The goal in controlling the frame of a conversation should be to fully engage the other person. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 7 Video
  • Assessment: Exam 7

Lesson 8: Flow

Flow can seem difficult to achieve; however, like many of the conversational skills, with practice, you can become very skillful at creating flow. Additional lesson topics: What makes a conversation flow?; The Secret Of Conversation Flow; Several Mistakes in a Conversation; Keep A Conversation Going Smoothly 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 8 Video
  • Assessment: Exam 8

Lesson 9: Social Anxiety - Tips for the Introvert

While some can overcome the natural anxiety experienced when in a larger group, or speaking in front of strangers, others have a much harder time finding ways to minimize the anxiety and it can interfere with their ability to develop relationships, or move up in their professional worlds. Additional lesson topics: 7 Success Tips for Introverts; Owning Any Social Situation 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 9 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 9 Assignment
  • Assessment: Exam 9

Lesson 10: Mastering Public Speaking

When asked what their biggest fear is, public speaking is at the top of many people's lists. Additional lesson topics: 17 Tips to Mastering Conversation With New People; Tips for Mastering Public Speaking; How to Get Better at Small Talk 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 10 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 10 Assignment
  • Assessment: Exam 10

Lesson 11: Social Intelligence

Social intelligence is defined as the ability to demonstrate awareness of how you communicate and behave with others, along with being able to read other people in a social setting. Additional lesson topics: What Is Social Intelligence?; Social Intelligence 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 11 Video
  • Assessment: Exam 11

Lesson 12: The Role of Social Media and Technology

For those who have had social media and more advanced technology most of their lives, there are still some important points this lesson will touch on in helping to utilize social media to your fullest advantage, personally and professionally. 70 Total Points
  • Lesson 12 Video
  • Lesson discussions: What is your opinion of this course?; Course Comments; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course)
  • Assessment: Exam 12
  • Assessment: The Final Exam
Total Course Points

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe what is meant by communication skills.
  • Describe methods you can use for small talk.
  • Describe methods for using storytelling and humor to engage people.
  • Describe techniques leaders use to communicate.
  • Recognize ways control the frame of a conversation.
  • Define what flow is in communication.
  • Summarize tips for dealing with social anxiety.
  • Describe social intelligence.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Mastering Conversation Skills
Course Number: 8900372
Lessons Rating: 4.6 / 5 Stars (1,628 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.
Last Updated: February 2024
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.5 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Linda Zavadil
Syllabus: View Syllabus
Course Fee: $120.00 U.S. dollars

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Student Testimonials

  • "This course was excellent! I went through a tough situation with my recently deseased grandparents. And wanted to ensure that I have the knowledge to prevent this from happening to my own estate affairs, or any others I might be involved with in the future. This class has certainly helped me. Thank you very much!" -- Jonathan W.
  • "This course was extremely helpful! I am much more mindful of conversation dynamics in my personal and professional life." -- Tonia C.
  • "In my opinion it covers 95% of what's needed to be in know when it comes to social media/technology." -- Sandra A.
  • "I found this course very helpful. I definitely feel more confident in my conversational skills now." -- Rosa T.
  • "I found this course to be very interesting and useful in advancing my communication skills." -- Erin H.
  • "This course was very insightful and will be using what I have learned to everyday situations." -- Lisa S.
  • "This course is very helpful. I really recommend it to others." -- Amany G.
  • "This course gave me a different outlook on communication and what it all entails." -- Natalie S.
  • "I really enjoyed this class, so far it is my favorite." -- Leanne B.
  • "Well written and concise." -- Vonda R.

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