Course Description

Unlocking the Power of Assertiveness


In our fast-paced world, navigating interpersonal relationships can be challenging. To thrive, understanding the power of assertiveness is crucial. Assertiveness is not about being aggressive, confrontational, or domineering. Rather, it's about expressing oneself clearly, standing up for one's rights, and doing so in a respectful manner.

Imagine learning to drive a manual car. Understanding gears, clutch timing, and the vehicle's rhythm are vital. Similarly, comprehending the essence of assertiveness serves as the foundation to mastering its application.

The Cornerstone of Assertiveness: Confidence

Assertiveness and confidence go hand in hand. An assertive individual radiates confidence, conviction, and self-reliance. Such people are unwavering in their beliefs, desires, and their way of articulating their needs to others.

Yet, life doesn't occur in isolation. We're intrinsically social beings. Effectively communicating our needs is fundamental to our happiness and fulfillment. In this course, we'll dive deep into building confidence, pinpointing desires, and securing cooperation from others.

It's pivotal to recognize, however, that not everyone will resonate with or acknowledge your needs. Some may dismiss or belittle your desires, draining your self-worth. It's crucial to differentiate between genuine constraints and deliberate neglect. This course will equip you to identify such "bottomless pits" and navigate them effectively.

Why is Assertiveness Elusive to Many?

While the answers vary, common barriers include:

  • Insecurity: A skewed self-perception of one's value.
  • Fear: Concerns about rejection or loss.
  • Shyness: An innate inclination to remain reticent.
  • Social Conformity: The pressure to adhere to group norms.
  • Lack of Direction: Not recognizing what one truly desires.
  • Insufficient Knowledge: Not researching or being unprepared to back up one's desires.
  • Poor Negotiation Skills: Inability to convey mutual benefits convincingly.

Our lessons will systematically address these roadblocks, offering tools and strategies to surmount them.

Moreover, if your struggles go beyond assertiveness, consider seeking professional guidance. While this course hones your assertiveness, addressing underlying issues can further amplify your potential.

Assertiveness vs. Passiveness vs. Aggression: The Fine Balance

Even as toddlers, we display traces of assertiveness. Take Little Jimmy, our illustrative protagonist. When presented with peas, his least favorite food, his reactions can teach us a lot:

  • If he consumes them silently, he's passive.
  • If he throws them in anger, he's aggressive.
  • If he politely refuses, he's assertive.

Passive individuals comply for the sake of appeasement. Aggressive ones act impulsively, alienating others. Assertive people, on the other hand, convey their preferences with clarity and respect.

Another behavioral pattern we'll delve into is passive aggression – an indirect, covert form of aggression stemming from fear. It's detrimental to healthy relationships and requires attention.

The Essence of Assertiveness

Returning to our analogy, Little Jimmy showcases assertiveness by calmly refusing peas. His actions might be perceived differently by onlookers. However, the truth is, standing firm on personal preferences, without resorting to confrontations, embodies assertiveness.

Children, free from societal conditioning, inherently grasp the essence of assertiveness. They're in tune with their desires. Drawing inspiration from this, embrace clarity and firmness in asserting yourself. Remember, it's not about conflict but about mutual respect and understanding.

Course Overview

This course comprises nine comprehensive lessons. From enhancing communication to resolving conflicts, from workplace dynamics to personal relationships, each lesson delves deep into facets of assertiveness. By the end, you'll be equipped to express, negotiate, and thrive, turning challenges into opportunities.

Begin your transformative journey now, and unlock the power of assertiveness.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Define assertiveness and understand how it differs from aggression.
  • Summarize defined methods of assessing and developing healthy self-esteem.
  • Identify your own personal level of assertiveness and determine what improvements may be needed.
  • Describe basic techniques for improving your communication skills.
  • Describe methods to use in peaceful conflict resolution.
  • Summarize and establish appropriate assertiveness techniques to use in the workplace.
  • Determine your own personal level of assertiveness that is appropriate for you.
  • Recognize the fears you have associated with assertiveness and define techniques to combat them.
  • Determine and describe what it is you really want and identify how assertiveness can achieve this goal.
  • Identify ways to balance the level of assertiveness to use in everyday life.
  • Review your own personal level of assertiveness and identify how you will use it in the future.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
An Introduction 1 points
Lesson 1 Exam 10 points
Lesson 2 Assignment 5 points
Lesson 2 Exam 10 points
Lesson 3 Assignment 5 points
Lesson 3 Exam 9 points
Lesson 4 Exam 10 points
Lesson 5 Assignment 5 points
Lesson 5 Exam 10 points
Lesson 6 Exam 10 points
Lesson 7 Assignment 2 points
Lesson 7 Exam 10 points
Lesson 8 Exam 8 points
Lesson 9 Assignment 2 points
Lesson 9 Exam 10 points
Lesson 10 Exam 10 points
Final Exam 73 points
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