Online Class: Introduction to Organizational Psychology

Learn how to properly prepare for a career in Industrial and Organizational psychology and possible specializations in the field.

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Course Description

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Unlocking the Power of the Modern Workplace

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the modern workplace, understanding the intricate dynamics of human behavior has become paramount. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, commonly referred to as I/O Psychology, is at the forefront of this endeavor. With its vast array of tools, methodologies, and expertise, I/O Psychology has emerged as a pivotal force behind organizational success in the 21st century.

In recent years, the role of I/O psychology has been underscored by significant increases in workplace efficiency, profitability, and employee satisfaction. As per recent studies, companies that have integrated I/O methods have witnessed remarkable growth in productivity and profitability. This surge is largely attributed to the I/O discipline's focus on optimizing human potential within organizational frameworks.

For those intrigued by the dynamics of the corporate ecosystem, the role of an I/O Psychologist offers numerous avenues. They might work in-house within corporate entities, offer consultancy services to multiple organizations, or dive deep into academic research, studying workplace trends, and behaviors. This course will provide a deep dive into the diverse world of I/O Psychology, focusing primarily on roles within organizations and consultancy domains.

Course Content Overview:

  1. Preparation for a Career in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Delve into the foundational aspects, understand the qualifications, skills, and mindset required to excel in this field.

  2. Specializations in Organizational Psychology: Explore the diverse specializations available, from workforce analytics to employee wellness, and find your niche.

  3. Motivation and Leadership: Unearth the psychological triggers behind motivation, and understand leadership dynamics in a modern corporate context.

  4. Employee Selection: Master the art and science behind selecting the right talent, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and culture.

  5. Training and Development: Uncover strategies to continuously nurture and develop talent, ensuring they remain relevant and productive.

  6. Organization Development and Guided Change: Learn about the structured approach to change, ensuring smooth transitions and minimal disruptions.

  7. Organizational Behavior: Decode the behaviors, attitudes, and underlying factors that dictate organizational dynamics.

  8. Work, Stress, and Family Issues: Address the pressing challenges of work-life balance, and provide solutions for stress management.

  9. Job Analysis: Get an in-depth understanding of roles, responsibilities, and the competencies required for various job functions.

  10. The Use of Psychometric Testing: Harness the power of psychometric tools to assess and develop talent.

Whether your interests align with Employee Motivation, Diversity Coaching, or Training and Development, this course offers a comprehensive framework. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge, real-world case studies, and interactive sessions, you'll gain the expertise needed to navigate the intricate maze of the modern workplace.

Why Choose This Course?

The modern workplace is more than just a space of productivity; it's a complex web of human interactions, aspirations, and challenges. By understanding the core principles of I/O Psychology, you not only gain insights into these dynamics but also arm yourself with the tools to influence positive change. This course, with its extensive curriculum and expert guidance, provides the perfect launchpad for those eager to harness the transformative power of I/O Psychology.

Join us on this enlightening journey, and unlock the secrets of the modern workplace. Whether you're a budding professional, an HR enthusiast, or a corporate leader, there's a wealth of knowledge waiting for you. Dive in and elevate your understanding of the organizational cosmos!

Course Motivation

Do you need a graduate degree for I/O?

While jobs still remain in this field that requires only an undergraduate degree, most have moved to higher expectations. It is possible to find entry level positions that seek individuals at the undergraduate level, however, if you want to move into a specialized, higher earning area, then you will, at some point, have to seek an advanced degree. If you desire to be an I/O "psychologist" then you must earn a master's degree and, in some cases, even a PhD in the field. 

However, if you are not sure what specialty you desire or would like to learn more about the field while getting "hands-on" experience before making the huge commitment to graduate studies there are some options. It is possible to "scope out" the field by taking a position closely related to it and in this manner discover if I/O psychology is something you would like to pursue further. There are also many companies who will provide tuition reimbursement to those seeking to advance their studies. These are fantastic opportunities as they allow you to work within the area of interest while earning your degree part-time. After your degree is earned it is likely that you will be offered a position in I/O within the company you have been working for. 

Some possibilities for undergraduates include retail management, human resource management, organizational development, industrial relations, ergonomics, personnel analysis, and marketing research. Generally speaking a master's degree will provide more I/O opportunities upon graduation then will a bachelor's degree.

Best undergraduate degree for I/O

The best bachelor's degree to have before pursuing a master's degree in I/O would be Psychology, of course! However, Psychology is not the only game in town, those with undergraduate degrees in English, Communication, Business, Computer Science, and even Education are all possibilities. Certainly it will be slightly more difficult for those who did not earn their undergraduate degree in psychology to move to the graduate level of study in psychology, however, with a strong inclination and a little hard work they can do just as well at the master's level as their psychology degreed counterparts. If you are now, or will soon be, a student earning your undergraduate degree it is highly suggested that you either switch your major to psychology or at the very least take several elective courses in that major if you have decided that I/O is the field you want to enter.
Preparing for graduate studies
Many students find that the leap from high school to college is quite a bit harder than expected, similarly, so is the shift from undergraduate to graduate student. While in some aspects things may be easier as you are focusing on your particular filed of interest, the work load is much heavier and much more difficult. The expectations of what you are able to produce in the form of papers and research on your own are much higher. 

You can expect a master's degree in Organizational Psychology to take two to three full years if attending school full-time, three to five if you are attending part-time. If you have not learned how to organize yourself efficiently and have found this to be a problem for you during your B.A. or B.S. studies you should take a course on proper organizational techniques before beginning your studies. By all means speak with those who are already enrolled in graduate studies for I/O at your college of choice and get a good understanding from the school staff of what will be expected of you during the application process. 

Just as you did for your bachelor's degree, you will want to research various universities and colleges to find the curriculum that best suits your current needs and future goals. As most spots in excellent I/O programs are limited you must be sure to keep your GPA as high as possible and prepare well for your Graduate Record Exam. To get into the best programs a GPA of 3.5 or higher for your junior and senior years is required. Graduate schools do not take freshman and sophomore GPA scores into consideration, so if you slacked in your first two years, there is still hope for you to reach your goals of attending a good to excellent I/O program! 

There are many fine courses available for GRE test preparation and you should begin looking into them by your junior year of college. Consult your student advisor to get the best information for you in regard to the best universities for your needs.

Below is a checklist for I/O graduate school preparation and application
  • Great to excellent Junior and Senior GPA, 3.5 and above is ideal.
  • GRE score of 1030 or better.
  • Very good to excellent Math Skills and grades.
  • Proficiency with Computer Technology.
  • Letters of recommendation from at least three professors at your current school.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.


If you desire a high earning position in Industrial and Organizational Psychology then you must earn a master's degree in the field. Whether or not to pursue a PhD is a choice you will have to make as you advance in your educational or working career. PhDs on the whole earn more money; however, jobs for such highly educated individuals are fewer and more competitive. If you plan on entering the field of academic research then a PhD would be your best choice; for the private sector, however, a master's will serve you quite well. 

Be sure to prepare well for your graduate studies well before you take that step. Preparation should come in the form of keeping your GPA as high as possible and by earning a score of at least a 1030 on your GREs. It would also aid you considerably to take a course or read several books on organizing yourself and maintaining your schedule to increase your chances of making it through graduate school successfully.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.4 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(627 votes)

Lesson 1. Preparation for a Career in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

In this lesson we will talk about preparation for a career in industrial and organizational psychology and the possible career paths you have at your disposal once you have established that you have, or intend on obtaining, the required credentials. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 1 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Poll; Reasons for Taking this Course
  • Assessment: Lesson 1 Exam

Lesson 2. Specializations in Organizational Psychology

In this lesson we will be covering the most popular specializations within the field of I/O and what each entails. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 2 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 2 Assignment
  • Assessment: Lesson 2 Exam

Lesson 3. Motivation and Leadership

This lesson will focus on Motivational and Leadership concepts. If I/O psychology is your goal, then you should have a solid understanding of these theories. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 3 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 3 Exam

Lesson 4. Employee Selection

This lesson will focus on the methods of finding and keeping the right employees for a company. The I/O psychologists, by the very nature of their training and education, are perfectly suited for helping companies hire employees that will reap long term b 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 4 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 4 Assignment
  • Assessment: Lesson 4 Exam

Lesson 5. Training and Development

Training and development is a very wide area within the field of I/O psychology as continually improving the skills of the company's work force is essential for staying updated in the fast moving business world. This lesson will focus on the coaching, tra 9 Total Points
  • Lesson 5 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 5 Exam

Lesson 6. Organization Development and Guided Change

Organization Development (OD) has been used for years to help organizations solve problems and reach goals. In this lesson we will discuss the most prevalent applications of OD and why they are important to business success. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 6 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 6 Assignment
  • Assessment: Lesson 6 Exam

Lesson 7. Organizational Behavior

Organization behavior is an important aspect of I/O psychology; this area is quite large and provides insights that will lead to positive change within an organization. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 7 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 7 Assignment
  • Assessment: Lesson 7 Exam

Lesson 8. Work, Stress, and Family Issues

The benefits of incorporating stress eliminating programs and culture into any organization far outweighs any costs that may be incurred. This is still a growing area it is a great direction for I/O psychologists to aim their career objectives. This lesso 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 8 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 8 Assignment
  • Assessment: Lesson 8 Exam

Lesson 9. Job Analysis

Many I/O psychologists choose to set their efforts in the area of job analysis because of its diversity and connection with other areas of the field such as leadership identification and executive development. In this lesson we will be discussing in great 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 9 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 9 Exam

Lesson 10. The Use of Psychometric Testing

Psychometric tests including personality, interest, and ability tests can help to find suitable candidates for a position. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 10 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Course Conclusion Poll; Survey: Course Comments; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course)
  • Assessment: Lesson 10 Exam
Total Course Points

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe preparations for a career in industrial and organizational psychology.
  • Describe specializations in organizational psychology.
  • Summarize motivation and leadership.
  • Summarize techniques for employee selection.
  • Describe procedures for training and development.
  • Define organization development and guided change.
  • Summarize organizational behavior.
  • Describe work, stress and family issues.
  • Summarize conducting job analysis.
  • Describe the use of psychometric testing.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Introduction to Organizational Psychology
Course Number: 33430
Lessons Rating: 4.4 / 5 Stars (627 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.
Last Updated: November 2023
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.6 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: UniversalClass Instructional Team
Syllabus: View Syllabus
Course Fee: $120.00 U.S. dollars

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