Online Class: Clutter Control 101

his self-paced course will motivate you to organize your home, desk and/or home office. This course will provide lots of helpful tips, resources and practices that will have you remaining on the anti-clutter wagon forever.

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Course Description

Mastering the Art of Decluttering: Organize Your Life and Boost Productivity

Have you ever felt drowned amidst towering piles of documents, overwhelmed by a never-ending jumble of clothes, or confounded by the disorder around your workspace? Recent research from Princeton University Neuroscience Institute suggests that physical clutter competes for your attention and results in decreased performance and increased stress.

The good news? You can break free from this chaos.

This course is a comprehensive journey designed to empower you to reclaim control over your space and, in turn, your life. This meticulously crafted, self-paced program will provide you with transformative tools, resources, and methodologies that will not only help you declutter but also ensure you never revert to old habits.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Decluttering

  • Overview: Begin with understanding the psychological and emotional implications of clutter. Discover why decluttering is not just about tidiness but mental wellness too.

    Example: Consider Sarah, a diligent worker who often missed deadlines due to the chaos on her desk. By understanding the root cause, she could strategize her decluttering approach.

Lesson 2: The Philosophy of a Clutter-Free Life

  • Overview: Dive deep into the principles of living minimally and the multifaceted benefits it offers, from mental clarity to enhanced productivity.

    Example: John transformed his cluttered living room into a minimalist haven, resulting in improved sleep patterns and overall mood enhancement.

Lesson 3: Kickstarting Your Decluttering Journey

  • Overview: Equip yourself with actionable strategies to begin decluttering. Understand how to differentiate between essential items and clutter.

    Example: Emma, a fashion enthusiast, employed the "KonMari" method, discarding clothes that didn’t "spark joy", effectively reducing her wardrobe by 50%.

Lesson 4: Crafting a Clutter-Free Home

  • Overview: Tackle each section of your home systematically, ensuring every corner radiates serenity and order.

    Example: Mike transformed his junk-filled garage into a functional workspace by categorizing, discarding, and organizing.

Lesson 5: Desk Decluttering: The Gateway to Enhanced Productivity

  • Overview: Delve into techniques to organize your desk, optimizing it for maximum efficiency and creativity.

Lesson 6: Streamlining Your Office for Success

  • Overview: Explore methodologies to create an office environment conducive to focus, collaboration, and innovation.

Lesson 7: Maintaining a Decluttered Space

  • Overview: Imbibe sustainable habits and routines to prevent the return of clutter. Discover tools and apps to help maintain order.

Now, ask yourself:

  • Do stacks of unsorted mail and papers dominate your living space?
  • Are your collections gathering dust rather than being displayed and appreciated?
  • Does locating basic utilities like stamps become an expedition?
  • Are contact details scattered, making communication a hurdle?
  • Do financial disarray and unexpected expenses plague your peace of mind?

If these situations resonate, recognize that you're not alone. Countless individuals, from working professionals like James who missed an essential promotion due to misplaced documents, to mothers like Linda who forgot her daughter's school event due to a cluttered calendar, have faced the repercussions of disorder.

The aftermath of disorganization isn't merely a messy room. It’s missed opportunities, financial strains, and constant stress. But with commitment, it can be changed. With this course, you will not only declutter your space but also pave the way for enhanced productivity, peace, and prosperity.

So, if you yearn for order amidst chaos and aspire for a life defined by purpose rather than clutter, enroll today and embark on a transformative journey!

Course Motivation

Honestly answer the following questions:
  • Do you save every single scrap of mail and paper that comes your way because you do not have a filing system that allows you to quickly decide what is essential, and what is trash?
  • Are you a big "collector" who has all of these collections, but none of them are displayed?
  • Does it take you more time to locate the stamps and envelopes, than it does to actually write a thank-you letter?
  • Are your addresses and phone numbers spread out across many different "hiding spots"? Are some numbers on your cell phone, while others are on your lap top, and yet others are in a hard copy address book? Do you often have trouble remembering where to find each person's information?
  • Does your family complain that you are a pack rat? A clutter bug? Perhaps, even something harsher, like -- a slob?
  • Is your checkbook always out of whack? Do you bounce more than two checks a year? Do you know how much money is actually in your bank account right now?

If you answered "yes" to most or all (ouch) of these primary questions, you are probably taking this course for a very good reason.It is frustrating to have your plans and dreams thwarted by poor planning and preparation, and a confused, chaotic follow-through. It is depressing to constantly watch other, more organized parents and employees, achieve success after success, while you are struggling to merely get by on the skin of your teeth.

You were late to that presentation with your boss last week. You waited until the last minute to plan for your son's promised contribution to the bake sale. (You know, the one he did not tell you about until the night before.) And you wound up having to spend a small fortune going to the bakery and buying a professionally baked and decorated cake. You forgot to write the transaction down in your check register and, unfortunately, your light bill is going to bounce. Fortunately, your bank covers the check for you, but you are given a $25.00 insufficient funds fee, which starts a domino effect of growing debt.

It is no wonder your nerves are shot, your eyes are red, and you have absolutely no idea where the remote control or the TV guide are!

Sound familiar?
If so, you've come to the right place!
Are messes and clutter crowding out your happiness and success? If your life is marked by stacks, piles, disarray and chaos, there is hope. No matter how many excuses you've made (or how often you've made them) there is a way to escape the madness and take back control of not only your environment, but your entire life!
If you've been accused of being a "pack rat", "clutter bug" or even a full-blown slob, then this is your way to escape. Over the course of six in-depth lessons, you'll be armed with everything you need to organize your home, your office, your car (even your schedule), and smooth out all of the wrinkles that seem to crop up out of nowhere.
No more:
  • Missed deadlines
  • Overlooked appointments
  • Messy desks
  • Dirty living rooms
  • Lost files
…or a host of other troublesome problems that plague us so often!
Each lesson comes complete with reading materials, Internet links, quizzes, tests, assignments and discussion topics aimed at achieving four primary goals:
  1. To help you recognize the negative impact that clutter is having on your life.
  2. To define and implement self-motivated methods and strategies for success
  3. To choose and actively utilize the best methods for your own unique situation and
  4. To provide additional tips and resources to help you stay on track

If you've tried everything else, but still haven't found the results you're after, this may be just what the doctor ordered. Better yet, there's no reason to procrastinate--enrollment is always open, 24/7, so it's never too late to take back the reigns.

It only takes a little mess to create big problems. A cluttered desk can mean misplaced documents. A messy car can mean you lose important things like your registration or proof of insurance. Piles of clothes, mail, papers and dirty dishes can lead to embarrassment when unexpected visitors drop by. And disorganized schedules can mean important appointments, deadlines and personal or professional events are overlooked.
While these are just a few of the instances where clutter can wreck havoc on your life and your life-style, the ripple effects of seemingly small oversights can create a tidal wave of trouble.
Unfortunately, truly eliminating clutter isn't a quick fix operation--it takes plenty of commitment and hard work. We've compiled all of the reading materials and coursework you'll need for success, the must crucial ingredient is one that only you can bring to the table--a readiness and commitment to change.
That commitment will carry you through the six lessons that cover:

Lesson 1:
Living the Clutter Free Life

Lesson 2: Getting Started and Keeping on Track

Lesson 3: Getting your Home to Be Clutter-Free

Lesson 4: De-Clutter Your Desk

Lesson 5: Organizing Your Office, and

Lesson 6: Maintaining Order and Preventing New Clutter

Keeping with the clutter-free theme, the materials are presented logically and with a commitment toward easy navigation. All supplemental links and resources are conveniently included with each lesson plan, and communication options are tailored to work with your schedule and preferences.
Better yet, you won't have to shuffle around an already hectic schedule to complete your lessons and assignments. Course registration is open 24/7, and completion happens on your terms. The dates and times of your participation are determined wholly and completely by you and your lifestyle.
To help you keep on top of your performance, each lesson will include both a written and practice assignment that will enable you to actually apply what you've learned. The goals of these assignments are two-fold:
  1. To supply motivation, and
  2. To help you tackle your strategy to overcome clutter
Most lessons will also incorporate a review quiz, designed to highlight important principles that were covered. Successful completion of this course will require an overall score of 70% or better, but the real measure of your success will be embodied in your new, orderly, organized life!
Lessons must be completed sequentially, meaning that you won't have access to Lesson 2 until you have first successfully completed each of the components of Lesson 1. Additionally, this online class has also incorporated additional reading resources recommended to help give you a clutter-busting edge.
Eradicating clutter is easier than you think. With a little know-how and a lot of dedication, you can regain control of your home, your office-- your entire life! Register now to start reaping the rewards of order and organization.
  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.4 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(2,880 votes)

Lesson 1: Introduction

Thoughts to get you started 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 1 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course
  • Complete: Introduction Assignment

Lesson 2: Living the Clutter-Free Life

You will identify all the negative impacts that clutter has had on your life, and get inspired by reading examples of how others have successfully conquered their own clutter. Additional lesson topics: 65 Total Points
  • Lesson 2 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 2 Assignment B: Consequences of Clutter
  • Complete: Lesson 2 Assignment A: Rate Your Level of Clutter
  • Complete: Lesson Assignment 2 C: Clutter Problem Quiz
  • Assessment: Quiz on Living the Clutter-Free Life

Lesson 3: Getting Started and Keeping On Track

You will not only get yourself motivated to begin to de-clutter, but also will learn how to avoid procrastination, define your overall objectives, and begin to gather the materials. Additional lesson topics: 8 Rules for Ditching Sentimental Clutter; he Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever 105 Total Points
  • Lesson 3 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 3 Assignment A: Motivate Yourself
  • Complete: Lesson 3 Assignment B: Avoiding Procrastination
  • Complete: Lesson 3 Assignment C: Why do you want to get organized?
  • Assessment: Quiz on Getting Started and Staying On Track

Lesson 4: Getting Your Home to Be Clutter-Free

You will begin to work on your home, by first reviewing popular organizing methods you may decide to use, and reviewing various tips and checklists to aid you. Additional lesson topics: The Ridiculously Thorough Guide to Decluttering Your Home; Organize a Small Kitchen: Before and After; Apartment Therapy 45 Total Points
  • Lesson 4 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 4 Assignment: Create a Plan For Yourself
  • Assessment: Quiz on Getting Your Home to be Clutter-Free

Lesson 5: De-Clutter Your Desk

You will get your home or office desk in perfect order, with topics that will include: ingenious tips and tricks for lasting desk de-cluttering, how to deal with your "danger zones," and functional fixes. 25 Total Points
  • Lesson 5 Video
  • Assessment: Quiz on De-Clutter Your Desk

Lesson 6: Organizing Your Office

This lesson will provide you with tips and tricks for organizing the remaining sections of your home office. These will include: bulletin boards, computers, filing cabinets, address books, business libraries, and your mobile office. Additional lesson topics: 5 Ways to Declutter Your Work Space Without Throwing All Your Stuff Away! 25 Total Points
  • Lesson 6 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 6 Assignment: How Will You Organize Your Office

Lesson 7: Maintaining Order and Preventing New Clutter

This lesson will leave you with a few tips, tricks, and practices that will prevent clutter from coming back to plague you. These are practical, everyday tidbits, that may very well ensure the success of your new clutter free lifestyle. 35 Total Points
  • Lesson 7 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Final Course Poll - Your Opinion; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course); Course Comments
  • Complete: Lesson 7 Assignment: Keep Yourself On-track
  • Complete: Final Assignment - Course Comments
Total Course Points

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe the benefits of living a clutter-free life.
  • Describe the best methods to get started de-cluttering your life.
  • Describe the methods for removing clutter from your house.
  • Describe methods for removing clutter from your desk.
  • Summarize techniques to organize your office.
  • Summarize ways to maintain order and prevent future clutter.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Clutter Control 101
Course Number: 30331
Lessons Rating: 4.4 / 5 Stars (2,880 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.
Last Updated: April 2024
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.7 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Cathleen Chouinard
Syllabus: View Syllabus
Course Fee: $120.00 U.S. dollars

Choose Your Subscription Plan

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Time to complete 6 months
No. of courses 1 course
Certificate Course
One Course
Certificate & CEUs
for 6 months
Billed once
This course only
Includes certificate Yes
Includes CEUs Yes
Self-paced Yes
Instructor support Yes
Time to complete 6 months
No. of courses 1 course
Platinum Yearly
Certificates & CEUs
per year
Billed once
Includes all 600+ courses
Includes certificate Yes
Includes CEUs Yes
Self-paced Yes
Instructor support Yes
Time to complete 12 Months
No. of courses 600+
Platinum 2 Years
Certificates & CEUs
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Billed once
Includes all 600+ courses
Includes certificate Yes
Includes CEUs Yes
Self-paced Yes
Instructor support Yes
Time to complete 24 Months
No. of courses 600+

Student Testimonials

  • "I enjoyed this course and now know how to get rid of everything I don't use! Instructor always provided a feedback which kept me going!" -- Jan D.
  • "I enjoyed the positivity of the comments from the instructor and I felt I gained insight from her lessons. Thank you!" -- Martha L.
  • "Thank you for taking the time to review my assignments." -- Sharon W.
  • "She is an outstanding teacher! I would recommend her to everyone!" -- Anthony H.
  • "Everyone should take this course. I've recommended it to several of my friends." -- Mary R.
  • "I found it extremely useful and life changing toward a positive future." -- Aven B.
  • "This is the second course that I have completed and I am very happy with both." -- Cathy W.
  • "Please utilize this instructors expertise forever. Excellent individual!" -- Kathleen M.
  • "I really learned a lot and enjoyed myself doing it." -- Karen K.
  • "The course was very motivating." -- Dinah J.

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