Course Description

The Power of Words: Mastering Persuasive Writing

Words wield power. The right words, strung together with craft and understanding, can change the course of history. They can inspire movements, build enterprises, and even sell the seemingly unsellable. Persuasive writing is the backbone of our civilization's greatest achievements, from stirring political campaigns and influential speeches to groundbreaking marketing and pivotal social movements.

Do captivating orations resonate with you long after they are delivered? Have you ever been intrigued by the ability of certain individuals to sell almost anything through sheer verbal prowess? If so, then you have already recognized the immense power of persuasion.

It is said that to master persuasion is to have the world at one's fingertips. This mastery has been at the core of every notable leader—be it a head of state, a military strategist, a titan of industry, or a grassroots organizer. They have all relied on the potent art of persuasion to galvanize people into action.

This comprehensive online course aims to imbue you with this very expertise—specifically in the realm of written persuasion. To persuade with the written word means to have the capability to sway others without the immediacy of vocal exchange, which can be a far more challenging endeavor. It's about making your words so compelling that they can influence someone's beliefs, actions, or decisions, whether through a business proposal, a poignant opinion piece, an impactful advertisement, or an insightful essay.

What Will You Gain from This Course?

  • Enhanced Career Prospects: Elevate your professional value by crafting persuasive documents that impress and influence employers, stakeholders, and clients.

  • Sharper Negotiation Skills: Decipher the mechanics behind persuasive tactics and become adept at negotiation, whether you're buying a car or presenting an argument.

  • Intellectual Growth: Understanding the principles of persuasion is a profound intellectual pursuit that can transform the way you communicate and think.

Detailed Course Content:

  1. What Is Persuasion?: An introduction to the art of persuasion and its foundational concepts in written form.

  2. Why Write Persuasively?: The importance of persuasive writing in various spheres of life and its potential impact.

  3. The Elements of Persuasion: Breakdown of the key components that make writing persuasive.

  4. Understanding Reason and Emotion: How to balance logical arguments and emotional appeal to craft compelling narratives.

  5. Determining a Goal: Establishing clear objectives to shape your persuasive writing strategy.

  6. Convincing the Opposition: Techniques to win over or neutralize skeptics through your writing.

  7. Brainstorming: Generating ideas and approaches for persuasive arguments.

  8. The Introduction: Crafting a powerful opening to hook readers and set the stage for your arguments.

  9. Writing the Body: Developing a convincing argument throughout the body of your text.

  10. Finding the Winning Argument: Identifying and emphasizing the most compelling points in your writing.

  11. Proofreading What You Have Written: Ensuring clarity, coherence, and impact through meticulous revision.

  12. Examples of Persuasive Writing: Studying successful examples to understand what makes them work.

  13. Applying Persuasive Writing in the World: Practical applications of persuasive writing skills in real-world scenarios.

By the end of this course, you will have harnessed the skills to craft writing that not only conveys a message but changes minds and ignites action. This course is not just a learning experience—it's an opportunity to transform the potency of your words and make an indelible mark on your readers. It is designed for those who aspire to make a difference, whether in the boardroom, the marketplace, the community, or even within the vast landscape of digital communication.

Step into the world of persuasive writing, and let your words transcend mere communication to become powerful instruments of influence. Enroll now and start the journey of refining your writing into an art form that moves, motivates, and matters.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Define persuasion and summarize reasons to write persuasively.
  • Define the elements of persuasion.
  • Demonstrate use of reason and emotion.
  • Determine a goal.
  • Summarize methods for convincing the opposition.
  • Brainstorm your idea.
  • Create an introduction.
  • Write the body.
  • Find the winning argument and use it appropriately.
  • Proofread.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
An Introduction 5 points
Lesson 1: What Is Persuasion? 9 points
Lesson 2: Why Write Persuasively? 9 points
Lesson 3 Assignment: Deceptive Advertising 5 points
Lesson 3: The Elements of Persuasion 9 points
Lesson 4: Understanding Reason and Emotion 9 points
Lesson 5: Determining a Goal 10 points
Lesson 6: Convincing the Opposition 10 points
Lesson 7 Assignment: Brainstorming 5 points
Lesson 7: Brainstorming 9 points
Lesson 8: The Introduction 10 points
Lesson 9: Writing the Body 10 points
Lesson 10 Assignment: Writing Your Argument 10 points
Lesson 10: Finding the Winning Argument 9 points
Lesson 11: Proofreading What You Have Written 9 points
Lesson 12: Examples of Persuasive Writing 8 points
Lesson 13 Final Assignment: How Will You Use Your Skills 5 points
Lesson 13: Applying Persuasive Writing in the World 10 points
The Final Exam 58 points
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