Course Syllabus


Course Description

Course Description: Understanding Autism - Beyond Myths and Towards Empowerment

Autism, a word that has been surrounded by various misconceptions and unfounded beliefs, is not a result of poor parenting or merely a learning disability. This neurodevelopmental disorder does come with its unique challenges, but it is essential to understand it as a diverse spectrum that offers incredible opportunities for growth and understanding. Moreover, its impact isn't confined to those diagnosed with the condition but extends to their families, friends, and the broader community.

One might find it daunting when faced with a diagnosis that has a spectrum of opinions, especially among medical professionals. The journey for parents whose child has been diagnosed with autism can indeed seem unfamiliar and challenging compared to the path they might have envisioned. However, it's vital to highlight that this journey isn't devoid of hope, success, or accomplishments.

Recent studies indicate that 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), emphasizing the prevalence and importance of understanding this condition. Throughout history, many individuals with traits of autism have achieved remarkable success. Dr. Temple Grandin, a college professor and professional speaker, has broken barriers and provided invaluable insights into the autistic world. Historical figures, like Albert Einstein, also displayed characteristics consistent with autism. These individuals stand testament to the fact that autism, when understood and nurtured, can be a unique strength.

Our course aims to provide comprehensive insights into autism, dismantling myths, and empowering you with knowledge.

Course Modules:

Lesson 1: Autism: Myths and Misconceptions Dive deep into prevalent misunderstandings surrounding autism, and arm yourself with facts.

Lesson 2: An Overview of a Special World -- Autism! A holistic introduction to autism, understanding its wide spectrum, and appreciating its nuances.

Lesson 3: Exploring the History and Language of Autism Traverse through time to understand the evolution of our understanding of autism and its associated terminologies.

Lesson 4: Symptoms, Screening, and Diagnosis Equip yourself with knowledge on the early signs, the screening process, and the methodologies involved in diagnosing autism.

Lesson 5: Treatment Options - Understanding, Evaluating, Deciding, and Managing Delve into various therapeutic and management options, their efficacy, and application.

Lesson 6: Education -- You, Yours, and Everyone Else! Learn about the educational landscape for those with autism, ensuring the right resources for a fruitful learning experience.

Lesson 7: Family Life With Autism Discover the dynamics of a family where a member has autism, understanding challenges, and celebrating unique joys.

Lesson 8: The Beginning of Life: A Child With Autism Focus on the early years, from infancy to adolescence, and understand the developmental milestones and potential challenges.

Lesson 9: Continuing Life: Living as an Autistic Adult Step into the world of an autistic adult, exploring their aspirations, challenges, relationships, and professional lives.

Lesson 10: Communicating Within the Autistic World Master the art of communication with and within the autistic community, fostering understanding and empathy.

Lesson 11: Support Is Often the Key - Choices and Options Uncover the vast network of support systems available for those with autism and their families, ensuring a nurturing environment.

In conclusion, our course on autism seeks to shed light on a condition that has for long been misunderstood. With a blend of factual data, personal anecdotes, and practical knowledge, we aim to provide a well-rounded understanding of autism. By the end of this course, participants will not only be informed but also empowered to be allies, advocates, and champions for the autistic community. Join us in this enlightening journey, and together, let's champion understanding and inclusivity.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Identify and describe the myths and misconceptions of autism.
  • Describe the history of autism.
  • Identify the symptoms of autism, describe screening techniques for autism, and recognize the diagnosis of autism.
  • Identify and evaluate various treatments of autism.
  • Describe ways to manage autism.
  • Describe family life with autism.
  • Identify the differences between managing a child with autism and managing an adult with autism.
  • Demonstrate various techniques to communicate with an autistic person.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
Lesson 1 Assignment 25 points
Quiz for Lesson 1 - Myths & Misconceptions 8 points
Quiz for Lesson 2 - An Overview of a Special World - Autism! 9 points
Quiz for Lesson 3 - Exploring the history & language of Autism 9 points
Quiz for Lesson 4 - Symptoms, Screening & Diagnosis 10 points
Lesson 5 Assignment 25 points
Quiz for Lesson 5 - Treatment Options - Understanding, Evaluating, Deciding & Managing 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 6 - Education: You, Yours and Everyone else! 9 points
Lesson 7 Assignment 25 points
Quiz for Lesson 7 - Family Life with Autism 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 8 - The Beginning of Life – A Child with Autism 8 points
Quiz for Lesson 9 - Continuing Life; Living as an Autistic Adult 10 points
Lesson 10 Assignment 25 points
Quiz for Lesson 10 - Communicating within the Autistic World 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 11- Support is Often the Key - Choices & Options 8 points
The Final Exam 50 points
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