Online Class: ESL Basic Grammar

Whether you are learning English as a second language or are a native speaker striving to improve your English and writing skills, understanding proper grammar rules and guidelines are the essential building blocks to creating clear and understandable thought processes and ideas.

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Course Description

Mastering English: A Comprehensive Guide to Grammar and Effective Writing

Language serves as a bridge, connecting diverse minds and facilitating the exchange of ideas. English, with its global reach, is an especially potent medium of this communication. However, to harness its full potential and express oneself with clarity and impact, one must grasp its intricate grammar and nuances. Welcome to our extensive course on English grammar and writing—an empowering journey that transcends basic rules and explores the art of effective communication.

Understanding the Significance of English Grammar:

In today's globalized world, English is more than just a language—it's a powerful tool that drives commerce, fuels diplomacy, and fosters cultural exchanges. According to recent data, over 1.5 billion people worldwide are learning English, a testament to its significance. Yet, despite its widespread use, many struggle with the foundational elements of English grammar, affecting their confidence and efficacy in both personal and professional settings.

But why is grammar so pivotal? Grammar is the mechanism that brings coherence to our thoughts, allowing us to convey complex ideas, emotions, and information with precision. It's the difference between being understood and being overlooked. In professional arenas, from corporate boardrooms to academic circles, proficient grammar can influence career trajectories, enabling job promotions, academic acclaim, and increased earning potential.

Course Offerings:

Our meticulously curated course caters to a diverse audience—from those for whom English is a second language, to native speakers aiming to refine their skills.

  1. Introduction to ESL Grammar: Dive into the essence of English grammar, exploring its significance and foundational principles.

  2. Nouns: Understand the role of nouns, their types, and their application in framing meaningful sentences.

  3. Verbs: Delve into the dynamic world of verbs, their tenses, and their crucial function in denoting actions and states.

  4. Using Pronouns Properly: Grasp the importance of pronouns in preventing repetition and ensuring sentence variety.

  5. Using Prepositions: Learn about these vital linguistic connectors that lend context and clarity to sentences.

  6. Conjunctions: Understand how conjunctions weave together ideas, enriching content and improving flow.

  7. All About Adjectives and Adverbs: Dive deep into these descriptive tools, enhancing the vividness and specificity of communication.

  8. Sentence Structure Know-How: Master the architecture of English sentences, ensuring clarity, coherence, and impact.

  9. Writing Basics: Beyond individual components, understand the art of crafting compelling narratives, persuasive arguments, and impactful content.

  10. Punctuation, Numbers, and Time: Navigate the subtleties of punctuation, ensuring precision, while also mastering the linguistic representation of numbers and time.

  11. Write What You Mean and Mean What You Write: Imbibe the ethos of authentic and purposeful communication, a skill that elevates mere content to compelling prose.

Rather than viewing grammar as a rigid set of rules, we encourage students to see it as a toolkit—a means to shape ideas, share stories, and influence audiences. This course offers more than just knowledge; it promises transformation—a shift from apprehensive speakers to confident communicators.

Whether you're looking to elevate your academic essays, communicate more effectively in a global business environment, or simply gain a deeper appreciation for the English language, this course is your comprehensive guide.

Remember, English grammar isn't just about correctness; it's about clarity, credibility, and connection. Join us on this enlightening journey and redefine your relationship with the English language.

Course Motivation

Many people find English grammar boring, but it doesn't have to be that way. Learning how to speak and write proper English can be fun. Grammar is a set of rules that defines how language is spoken and written. Every language has its own grammar rules, which are, in most cases, easily understood by native speakers. In order to understand why people need to know proper grammar, it might be interesting to learn something about the history of the English language.

History of the English Language

Many people may not realize that no grammar books have been found that date prior to the 1700s. While that may be good news for some, it doesn't help linguists, people who understand and study languages, to study how the English language grew and developed.

What is understood is that experts believe that English grammar is based greatly on the grammar and speaking patterns found in Latin and Greek languages. Many English words used today came from the Latin or Greek words, especially those in the medical and scientific fields. Grammar rules were developed to help define speaking and writing patterns throughout widespread areas.

English language experts believe that English, more commonly known as the Anglo-Saxon language, came from the areas that are now known as Denmark and Germany. This language, known as Old English, sounded very different than it does today. It was also written differently. Over the years, the English language used many other words from different countries, including French. This language was known as Middle English.

Between 1500 and 1800, Early Modern English developed. Pronunciation changed, and the influence from people around the world introduced many new words and phrases into the English language. The creation of books made it easier to create a common language, and many people learned how to read. At this time, grammar and spelling rules were developed. The first English dictionary was published in 1604.

After the 1800s, Modern English was developed. Modern English brings with it many new terms that were created as inventions and technology were developed and advanced. The British Empire covered nearly one quarter of the earth, and as a result, the English language also absorbed foreign words from many different countries.

In the United States, immigrants brought with them their own languages, which also eventually became part of regular usage in America. Some common Spanish words like arroyo, and canyon, are still used in the United States today. Through French settlements found in the south and southeast states, French words and West African words brought by slaves have also been incorporated into the English language.

In this way, a language develops. There are few languages that don't use some forms of English vocabulary and the same goes for the English language, using many words and phrases from other nationalities.

As with any language, the English language is basically divided into two areas: the spoken and the written word. As in any language, such as Spanish, French, German, and even Chinese, people rarely write the same way as they speak.

Grammar, at its most basic definition, represents ideas about what is considered "correct". The study of any language might often be frustrating and confusing. However, to make oneself understood in any area of society, one must learn how to speak correctly and properly in order to encourage job placement, career advances, and the ability to communicate. 

Students of English as a second language should also be aware that speech patterns and grammar rules might differ between countries that speak English. For example, in the United States, citizens speak what is called American English. In Great Britain, the spelling of various words as well as their pronunciation is different than those found in the United States. The same goes for the English spoken in Australia.

Grammar, or the structure of English, is all about style, rules, and guidelines. However, all of these have changed through the years. Geographical locations may also have a great deal to do with how a language is spoken or written. If you have had the opportunity to travel around the United States, you will surely have noticed that a person who speaks English in the southern state of Louisiana might sound and speak very differently than an individual who lives in rural Massachusetts. The same goes for someone who lives in Southern California, as opposed to someone who lives in New York City.

The glory of the written and spoken word is that it is constantly evolving and developing. The way people speak on the street may be different than the way the same phrase would be written on a piece of paper, but common rules and proper sentence structure still apply.

Native English speakers rarely think about the structure of the sentences they form. Those who are learning English must constantly remember details such as subject-verb agreement, tense, and verb placement. When a native English speaker learns a foreign language, they must also learn different grammar rules and sentence structure as well.

Understanding basic English grammar rules and principles will help to improve English speech, as well as understanding of the written word. This course is not designed to teach you everything there is to know about English grammar, but will cover the basics, so that clarity and comprehension may be increased. Think of this grammar course as a starting point that will help to improve not only how you communicate with others, but enhance your ability to make yourself understood in a wide variety of situations.

Why You Should Take This Course

The ability to speak and write in a clear manner helps many individuals, not just those learning English as a second language, but many native English speakers as well, to increase their vocabulary and their ability to communicate with larger audiences. In many situations, command of English grammar and writing abilities helps to improve career opportunities and job placement. So let's get started on this English as a second language basic grammar course, and you'll soon be on your way to understanding the basic details of how to properly construct sentences. You'll also learn how to use pronouns, conjunctions, and adjectives, as well as writing basics that will help in many avenues of your personal and professional life.
  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • 6 Months to Complete
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Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.5 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(2,218 votes)

Lesson 1: Introduction to ESL Grammar

The study of any language can often be frustrating and confusing. However, proper speech and grammar is important in all areas of society, from securing employment, advancing in careers and communicating equally well with friends, family, and strangers. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 1 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course
  • Complete: Lesson 1 Assignment: Getting Started
  • Assessment: Lesson 1 Exam

Lesson 2: Nouns

Proper use of nouns will help to create clear and accurate sentence structure. This lesson will also discuss proper nouns, plural nouns, nouns-verb agreements, and other aspects of one of the most common and basic structures in English. 20 Total Points
  • Lesson 2 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 2 Exam
  • Assessment: Lesson 2 Exercise: Find the Subject Noun

Lesson 3: Verbs

Verbs express action. They can also express certain conditions or states of being. In a properly constructed English sentence, a verb is usually connected to somebody or something doing or performing the action. Additional lesson topics: Verb Tenses; ESL Worksheets; Understanding Verb Tenses 25 Total Points
  • Lesson 3 Video
  • Review 5 Practice Worksheets
  • Assessment: Lesson 3 Exam
  • Assessment: Lesson 3 Exercise: Find the Verb

Lesson 4: Using Pronouns Properly

This lesson will introduce and offer basic explanations and examples for the use of personal, relative, and interrogative pronouns in everyday English usage. It will also briefly cover possessive, reflexive, and intensive pronouns. 19 Total Points
  • Lesson 4 Video
  • Review Practice Worksheet: optional-Grammar_Run-On_Sentences_Wk_2.pdf
  • Assessment: Lesson 4 Exam
  • Assessment: Lesson 4 Exercise: Using the Correct Pronoun

Lesson 5: Using Prepositions

Prepositions primarily describe two different types of relationships: time and place. This lesson will explain when to use a preposition, and how best to use it in a wide variety of situations. 29 Total Points
  • Lesson 5 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 5 Exam
  • Assessment: Lesson 5 Exercise: Identify the Preposition

Lesson 6: Conjunctions

This lesson will introduce and cover the four main types of conjunctions that are commonly used in everyday scenarios. Because conjunctions join phrases, words, and sentences together, they are commonly used, but one of the least understood parts of speec 30 Total Points
  • Lesson 6 Video
  • Review 5 Practice Worksheets
  • Assessment: Lesson 6 Exam
  • Assessment: Lesson 6 Exercise: Conjunction Use

Lesson 7: All About Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs, which help to provide description to nouns and verbs, are also known as modifiers. Modifiers are words or a group of words that help to explain about other words. 30 Total Points
  • Lesson 7 Video
  • Review 5 Practice Worksheets
  • Assessment: Lesson 7 Exam
  • Assessment: Lesson 7 Exercise: Identifying Adjectives and Adverbs

Lesson 8: Sentence Structure Know-How

While no one will expect your grammar to be perfect, it is important to study the basics of sentence structure in order to make yourself understood. This lesson will help English students to understand the difference between passive and active voice. 35 Total Points
  • Lesson 8 Video
  • Complete: Lesson 8 Assignment: Tackling Sentence Structure
  • Assessment: Lesson 8 Exam

Lesson 9: Writing Basics

Writing clear and understandable documents and papers requires knowledge of writing basics that include proper punctuation, noun-verb agreement, and attention to moods -- as well as avoiding run-on sentences. 29 Total Points
  • Lesson 9 Video
  • Review 4 Practice Worksheets
  • Complete: Lesson 9 Assignment: Basic Writing
  • Assessment: Lesson 9 Exam

Lesson 10: Punctuation, Numbers, and Time

Rules for grammar and punctuation have changed over the ages, but they continue to define standards that help English speakers around the world more easily master the written language. Additional lesson topics:; Writing Dates and Times 30 Total Points
  • Lesson 10 Video
  • Review 5 Practice Worksheets
  • Complete: Lesson 10 Assignment: Practicing Punctuation, Numbers and Time
  • Assessment: Lesson 10 Exam

Lesson 11: Write What You Mean and Mean What You Write

Speaking and writing English properly takes time and effort that many students are unwilling to put into their studies. However, speaking clearly and being able to convey ideas, thoughts, and expressions are methods of communication that can't be ignored. 84 Total Points
  • Lesson 11 Video
  • Review 5 Practice Worksheets
  • Lesson discussions: What is your opinion of this course?; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course); Course Comments
  • Complete Assignment: Putting it all Together
  • Assessment: Lesson 11 Exam
  • Assessment: The Final Exam
Total Course Points

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe and recognize nouns.
  • Describe and recognize verbs.
  • Use pronouns properly.
  • Use prepositions properly.
  • Identify conjunctions.
  • Demonstrate proper use of adjectives and adverbs.
  • Demonstrate proper sentence structure use.
  • Demonstrate correct use of punctuation, numbers and time.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
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  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: ESL Basic Grammar
Course Number: 7550407
Lessons Rating: 4.5 / 5 Stars (2,218 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.
Last Updated: February 2024
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.6 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Dana Kristan
Syllabus: View Syllabus
Course Fee: $120.00 U.S. dollars

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Student Testimonials

  • "I liked using this course as a review on writing components and skills that are important for writing and talking to others. I liked how the instructor put together the course material and the quizzes. I liked how she complemented me on my assignments and quizzes." -- Oksana B.
  • "The instructor was very nice and was really quick to email back." -- Devin S.
  • "This instructor really knows her stuff. She is very friendly and helpful." -- Jennie W.
  • "I am very satisfied with this course." -- Meishan F.
  • "The instructor was very supportive!" -- Alma G.
  • "She was very helpful and kept you inform." -- Harold S.
  • "The class and instructor were both great!" -- Chloe T.
  • "The instructor has this course very organized and is an expert in English grammar. The most helpful part of the course was how to write better sentences and verbs." -- Maria A.
  • "The instructor was very nice and was really quick to email back." -- Devin S.
  • "The part most helpful for me, was the exercises in each lesson. Amazing!" -- Yakelis D.

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