Course Syllabus


Course Description

Mastering the Canvas of Faces: The Comprehensive Guide to Face Painting

Unveil the enchanting world of face painting, an art form that goes beyond mere colors and designs, transcending into expressions, emotions, and storytelling. Whether it's the vivid memories of Halloween night or the vibrant energy of school carnivals, face painting has always held a unique space in our hearts. However, this art form isn't merely a recent cultural phenomenon or just a craft reserved for festive occasions. Delve deeper and discover the myriad of opportunities and avenues it presents.

Welcome to a course meticulously crafted not just to teach but to inspire. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine your existing skills, our curriculum is tailored to offer a holistic learning experience.

  • Historical Palette: Embark on a captivating journey tracing the rich history and evolution of face painting.
  • Craft Your Masterpiece: Acquire the skills to reproduce almost any design you envisage. From whimsical patterns to intricate tribal art, we've got you covered.
  • Toolbox Essentials: A craftsman is only as good as their tools. Learn about the quintessential tools and paints, and master the techniques to wield them effectively.
  • Versatility in Every Stroke: Whether it's mimicking the fierce aura of a wild animal, crafting daunting scary faces, or manifesting ethereal designs, our course promises versatility.
  • A Detailed Blueprint: Benefit from explicit outlines of six emblematic designs. By the course's culmination, you'll recreate these with effortless finesse.
  • Beyond the Full Face: Dive into the nuanced art of cheek painting, a subtle yet impactful form of expression.
  • Painting with Purpose: Unravel ways to monetize your newfound skill. Turn your passion into a profitable venture.

Our commitment is not just to impart knowledge but to instill confidence. We'll guide you through every brushstroke, every color blend, and every technique, ensuring that as you begin your face painting journey, you're already showcasing the prowess of a seasoned artist.

Join us and transform faces into canvases, and designs into tales. Let's make every face you paint, a story you narrate. Your gateway to becoming a face painting maestro awaits!

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Summarize face painting in history and today.
  • Identify face painting supplies.
  • Summarize safety tips for face painting.
  • Prepare the painter and the face for painting.
  • Plan your design and select the proper brushers and sponges.
  • Identify and use basic designs in face painting.
  • Demonstrate tribal designs and cheek painting.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
An Introduction 5 points
Lesson 1 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 1: Introduction 8 points
Lesson 2 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 2: Face Painting in History and Today 10 points
Lesson 3 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 3: Face Painting Supplies 10 points
Lesson 4 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 4: Becoming a Face Painting Artist 9 points
Lesson 5 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 5: Safety Tips for Face Painting 10 points
Lesson 6 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 6: Preparing the Painter and the Face for Painting 10 points
Lesson 7 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 7: Planning Your Designs 10 points
Lesson 8 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 8: How to Select and Use Brushes and Sponges 10 points
Lesson 9 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 9: Basic Designs: Animals and Bugs 10 points
Lesson 10 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 10: More Designs: Clowns and Scary Faces 10 points
Lesson 11 Assignment 25 points
Lesson 11: Tribal Designs and Cheek Painting 10 points
Lesson 12 Assignment A 25 points
Lesson 12 Assignment B 25 points
Lesson 12: Face Painting as a Career 9 points
The Final Exam 99 points
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