Online Class: Color Theory, Color Mixing, and Technique

In this course we are going to explore everything there is to know about the science and art of how humans perceive color as well as how to encompass these ideas to create beautiful artwork.

Self-Paced, Online Class
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Course Description

Immerse Yourself in the Mesmerizing Universe of Color!
Imagine a world painted in shades of gray; life without the crimson embrace of a sunset or the tranquil blues of the ocean depths. It's almost unthinkable, isn't it? Color isn't merely a visual treat; it's the silent soundtrack to our lives. From the golden glow heralding dawn to the hues we choose to adorn our bodies and living spaces, colors narrate our existence, shaping emotions, influencing choices, and crafting memories.
Welcome to a transformative journey into the heart of colors. As artists, we don't just see colors; we feel them, imbibe their energy, and translate that essence into evocative masterpieces. Whether you're enchanted by the ethereal quality of pastels or drawn to the electrifying pulse of jewel tones, there's an entire spectrum waiting for you to explore, understand, and redefine.
This course isn't merely an exploration; it's an invitation to dive deep into the psychology, science, and emotion behind each shade and tint. Unlock the mysteries of color theory, a fascinating realm that dissects how humans not just see but resonate with colors. Every hue has a story, every gradient an emotion, and every palette a world of its own.
By melding the science of perception with the art of creation, you'll emerge not just as an artist, but as a master storyteller, weaving tales through strokes and shades. With each module, we'll not just learn but feel, experimenting, mixing, and creating colors that echo our innermost feelings.
So, are you ready to unlock a universe where each color sings its own song, where canvases come alive with tales whispered in tones and shades? Join us, as we embark on an illuminating voyage into the enthralling world of color, and let's paint our stories together!

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.9 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(193 votes)
  • Lesson 1: Color Theory, Color Mixing, and Technique

    An actual definition of color theory is understanding the science and the art of using color.
  • Lesson 2: Contrasting and Complementary Colors

    Before we start working our way around the color wheel, and discussing contrasting and complementary colors, I think it is worth noting a brief discussion about a few vocabulary words that often come up in artist-type-talk.
  • Lesson 3: Analogous and Harmonious Colors

    The word 'analogous' by definition means something that is similar or comparable to something else. Since we are dealing with art, we will be discussing analogous colors.
  • Lesson 4: Monochromatic Painting

    If you dabble in the arts, you most likely have heard the word 'monochromatic.'
  • Lesson 5: Triadic and Tetrads

    The word triadic refers to anything in a set of three. In music, a triad is the first, third and fifth note if you began a scale on any note.
  • Lesson 6: Skin Tones

    What keeps you from painting or drawing a portrait? Is it the eyes, other facial features, or trying to be symmetrical? Or are you worried your portrait will not really look like the person you are trying to paint?
  • Lesson 7: Warm, Cool and Neutral Colors

    Take the color wheel and place it down on the table so that the color red-violet and violet are at the top of the wheel. The colors at the bottom of the wheel will be yellow and yellow green.
  • Lesson 8: Mixing Colors

    The last part of learning about color theory in this lesson is understanding about color mixing. For many artists, mixing paint to make new colors can be one of the most enjoyable parts of painting.
  • Lesson 9: Texture and Transfer Drawings

    Besides knowing about what colors look well together or how well they contrast, adding texture to your art work can make all the difference from a dull flat look to a painting that pops.
  • Lesson 10: Impressionism

    Before artists became Impressionists, landscape compositions leaned toward being imaginary and were painted in art studios.
  • Lesson 11: Pointillism

    Basically, pointillism means making a mark on your paper in the form of a dot or a dash, then making more dots until you have filled in all the shapes and spaces on your paper or canvas.
  • Lesson 12: Pop Art and Art Noveau

    Pop Art is one of those periods in art where it seems to come in a rush, hang around for a few decades, then fade off into the background.
  • Lesson 13: Cubism Art

    This style of art made its appearance early in the 20th century and was known as avant-garde art.
  • Lesson 14: Abstract Art

    Abstract art is all about colors, shapes and texture. Because of that, abstract art is a deliberate effort to not depict reality.
  • Lesson 15: Wrapping It All Up and More Project Ideas

    After you have created all your art, you should preserve it. Depending on what mediums you choose, or what substrate you do your art on, that will determine how you should protect your work.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
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Course Title: Color Theory, Color Mixing, and Technique
Course Number: 9770643
Lessons Rating: 4.9 / 5 Stars (193 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: Available across all 50 U.S. states, this course includes key regions such as California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, and Georgia. The course is also open in major English-speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, the UK, and Ireland.
Last Updated: January 2024
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 1.0 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Nancy Fillip
Syllabus: View Syllabus