Course Description

In 1990-1991, the United States of America, under President George H. W. Bush, along with several allied nations launched a massive military operation in the tiny nation of Kuwait at the northern boundary of the Persian Gulf. This was the first war following Viet Nam in which America was actively involved in a combat role. Indeed, the United States played a key part in organizing, funding, building, executing, and maintaining the war. It was a historic confrontation in that it was the most widely-seen war in history, covered heavily on television, radio, internet, and other media outlets across the globe.


Beginning with Operation Desert Shield, which yielded to the much larger Operation: Desert Storm, this conflict became known as the First Gulf War. This course will examine the history and setting of the Gulf War, the motivations for fighting it, the strategies and tactics that were used, and the battles that were fought. In addition, an examination of how the Gulf War changed the nature of war, the reaction to the conflict at home, and dealing with the aftermath will be undertaken to provide a detailed and comprehensive overview of the conflagration.


  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Summarize the reasons and evidence for going to war.
  • Summarize the history and conflicts of the nations involved.
  • Identify who's who in the gulf war.
  • Describe Saddam Hussein.
  • Describe the history leading up to the war, including the role of Israel, oil, terrorism, and hostages.
  • Describe Saddam's battle plan.
  • Summarize the Iraqi invasion.
  • Operation Desert Shield
  • Summarize Operation Desert Shield.
  • Summarize Operation Desert Storm.
  • Summarize the end of the war, the media, and the aftermath.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
An Introduction 5 points
Lesson 1 Assignment 20 points
WWI and the Middle East 20 points
Lesson 1 Exam 10 points
Lesson 2 Assignment 20 points
Lesson 2 Exam 9 points
Lesson 3 Assignment 20 points
Lesson 3 Exam 10 points
Lesson 4 Assignment 20 points
Charles 'Chuck' Horner 20 points
Lesson 4 Exam 8 points
Lesson 5 Assignment 20 points
Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden 20 points
Lesson 5 Exam 9 points
Lesson 6 Assignment 20 points
Republican Guard 20 points
Lesson 6 Exam 10 points
Lesson 7 Assignment 20 points
The Importance of Kuwait 20 points
Lesson 7 Exam 10 points
Lesson 8 Assignment 20 points
The Lebanese Civil War 20 points
Lesson 8 Exam 9 points
Lesson 9 Assignment 20 points
Lesson 9 Exam 9 points
Lesson 10 Assignment 20 points
Maneuver Warfare in the Gulf War 20 points
Lesson 10 Exam 10 points
Lesson 11 Assignment 20 points
America gets involved in the Middle East 50 points
Why did Hussein Invade Kuwait? 20 points
Lesson 11 Exam 9 points
Lesson 12 Assignment 20 points
Lesson 12 Exam 10 points
Lesson 13 Assignment 20 points
People Behind Desert Shield 20 points
Lesson 13 Exam 6 points
Lesson 14 Assignment 20 points
Why was the Gulf War different? 20 points
Lesson 14 Exam 10 points
Lesson 15 Assignment 20 points
Iraqi Air Defenses? 25 points
Lesson 15 Exam 9 points
Lesson 16 Assignment 20 points
Hussein Tries to defend Iraq and break up the Coalition 5 points
Lesson 16 Exam 10 points
Lesson 17 Assignment 20 points
Aftermath of the Gulf War 20 points
Lesson 17 Exam 10 points
Was the Gulf War Worth it? 20 points
Was it Worth It? 20 points
The Final Exam 52 points
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