Online Class: Relaxation 101

In this course we will discuss the art behind relaxation techniques. You will learn a variety of techniques to help you learn how to relax.

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Course Description

Mastering the Essence of Serenity: The Art of True Relaxation

In a world that pulsates with ceaseless demands and constant stimuli, tranquility often seems elusive. The modern Western narrative, fraught with escalating stress, not only casts a shadow over our well-being but also cultivates a breeding ground for ailments and discontentment. However, nestled within this cacophony, lies the age-old secret to holistic health and happiness: the art of genuine relaxation.

"Relaxation 101" is more than just a course—it's a transformative odyssey designed to elevate your understanding of relaxation beyond the rudimentary act of lounging or passive entertainment. Instead, this immersive journey will equip you with a diversified toolkit of time-tested relaxation techniques, curated from across cultures and disciplines.

As we unravel the course, you'll discover:

  • The Anatomy of Stress: Recognize and pinpoint the triggers and stressors that clandestinely weave into your daily life, influencing your emotional and physical state.
  • The Spectrum of Serenity: Delve deep into a rich tapestry of relaxation practices spanning meditation, mindfulness, self-hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), aromatherapy, yoga, and the time-honored principles of Ayurveda.
  • Personalized Pathways: Acknowledging the uniqueness of every individual, this course empowers you to experiment with and tailor these techniques, paving the way for a bespoke relaxation regimen that resonates with your essence.

Imagine a life where relaxation is not an occasional indulgence but an integral cornerstone. A life where each day is punctuated with moments of profound peace, fortifying your spirit and rejuvenating your vigor. The benefits are not merely ephemeral; they reverberate through improved health, enhanced life satisfaction, and an innate sense of joy.

Indeed, the power to redefine your narrative, to infuse it with tranquility and purpose, lies within you. All it requires is a commitment to learn, evolve, and prioritize your well-being.

So, why wait? Embark on this enlightening expedition with us. Unlock the boundless potential of true relaxation, and embrace the promise of a life enriched with serenity and vitality. After all, life is not just about existence—it's about truly living, with every breath steeped in contentment. Relax, rejuvenate, and revel in the art of true serenity.

Course Motivation

Stress and relaxation are often mentioned in the same breath.

"I'm stressed!" Your friend, spouse, partner, or doctor answers, "Then you need to relax more."

But how do you do that? It sounds so easy, doesn't it? The truth is, however, that we need to learn to relax because it is not something that we do naturally. 

Learning to relax after having been raised in a Western culture such as the United States is a very, very difficult task. Most people do not have a consistent form of relaxation that works. Most of us don't even know what it feels like to be relaxed and completely at peace.

Even worse, even when we think we're relaxed, our physiologic markers like heart rate, breath rate, and blood pressure indicate that we're poised for action. When we are in a constant state of readiness, our bodies fatigue and fail us, leading to greater incidence of stress-related illnesses.

The 21st Century

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently called stress the "health epidemic of the 21st century." More than 70 percent of all illnesses can be attributed to stress as a causative factor. This results in billions of dollars spend on medical care to treat illnesses caused by stress, to say nothing of the billions of man-hours lost for people unable to report to work for headaches, backaches, upper respiratory illnesses, and GI upset like irritable bowel and heartburn. Add to that the ever increasing profile of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer that can also be linked to stress and we have a boiling cauldron of disease caused by one single word:stress.

It is almost impossible to believe that a single factor can contribute to so many illnesses. If that is the case, what would/could happen if we could somehow manage the stressors in our lives? Obviously, "Learn to relax," is the answer. However, we must first understand what stress is, how it affects us, how it helps us, and when it begins to hurt us.

In this course, you will discover a world of ideas that you may have heard about, but have never considered to be "right" for you. Every lesson will provide you with information about stress, disease, and how to combat the negative effects of both. Not every behavior modification will work equally well for everyone.

The purpose of going in to all these relaxation techniques is to raise your awareness to the things that hurt, you so that you can then begin to help and heal yourself. 

We will begin by defining stress and how it appears in our lives in the 21st century.

The Definition of Stress

Stress can be defined as a number of things. One of the most common that is used in medical school is to have you imagine what life would be like if you were a caveman. Imagine what life might be like when you are having a breakfast of berries and leaves with your family. Suddenly a saber-toothed tiger appears and your physiology changes dramatically. Your breathing changes, your heart rate increases, your hormones begin to surge, specifically epinephrine; it is the typical fight-or-flight response. Not so bad, right? True, not all stress is bad. An acute stress response can actually save your life, moving out of the way of an oncoming car, the acute stress response gives your body the necessary ability to move quickly. 

There is nothing wrong with the fight-or-flight response. Without it, the human race might not be around today. The problem with the fight-or-flight response, is that in the 21st century, there are no saber-toothed tigers. And yet, our bodies respond in a similar fashion any time we feel that we are confronted with a stressful situation. 

What makes it so difficult is that for some people, even the doorbell ringing or the sound of a telephone triggers the fight-or-flight response. And if something that minor triggers it, how long is it before the response dissipates? You're beginning to see, aren't you? The very response that was designed to protect us is the very same response that is now killing us slowly, because chronic stress causes chronic illness. 

Ever since the 1950s, Dr. Hans Selye, a stress expert, defined stress as something that happens to us, and that stressors are a stimulus or event that produce our stress response. In doing so, he popularized the term "stress" as something that happens to us. He defined stress as, "the nonspecific response of the organism to any pressure or demand."

Let's say, for example, that you were a zebra. You're grazing on the plains, and when the tiger comes after your group, your heart rate increases, you breathing changes, you're charged with adrenaline, and you run like crazy to get away from the tiger. Once the tiger's gone, what happens? If you're a zebra, you'll settle down, your heart rate slows, your breathing returns to normal, the adrenaline is absorbed, and you resume grazing. This is considered to be an acute stress response. Once the danger is over, stress levels and all physiologic markers return to normal.

We're not zebras. Our stress begins as an acute stress response, but because of our heightened state of alertness, those episodes of acute stress response become longer and protracted to the point where we are suffering from chronic stress response. 

As a human being, we are aware of danger and we can often predict it. This means that we're often on a higher level of alert than a zebra would be. Spring forward to the 21st century and the number of stressors we experience have increased exponentially. This means that we're facing a chronic condition of an increased stress response and as a result, our bodies are paying a price for that.

During the time that Mozart lived, life was so quiet at night that a night watchman could announce to most of the town that all was well. We live in a much noisier world today, especially if we live in a larger city. That elevated noise level is considered a stressor. 

Those cell phones we carry cause stress. When we are awake, we are always at attention; we are stressed more often than not because we respond to all manner of alerts. We wake to an alarm. The coffee pot and microwave signal our attention. The car tells us if a door is ajar or if we've forgotten to put on our seatbelt. A 15-minute drive to work can have as many as a thousand stressors from our driveway until we turn off the ignition at work. Perhaps you take public transportation to and from school or work. You must arrive on time, fight for your seat or position, and pay attention to when you need to get off, otherwise you'll be additionally stressed trying to make up for lost time.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.6 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(2,034 votes)

Lesson 1 : Stress and Relaxation

Stress and relaxation are often mentioned in the same breath. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 1 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Stress; Reasons for Taking this Course
  • Complete Assignment: Introduction
  • Assessment: Lesson 1 : Stress and Relaxation

Lesson 2 : Stress and Our Health

Because it is not enough to know that stress can cause illness, this lesson is going to take a much closer look at the actual physiology of certain diseases, some of which can be prevented by taking action today. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 2 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 2 : Stress and Our Health

Lesson 3 : Drugs vs. Natural Remedies

We really have to listen to our bodies. 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 3 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Stressors
  • Assessment: Lesson 3 : Drugs vs. Natural Remedies

Lesson 4 : Mindfulness

Mindfulness is exactly what it sounds like: being "mindful," or paying attention, to what you are doing at any given moment. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 4 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 4 : Mindfulness

Lesson 5 : Breathing Techniques

Breathing is a normal part of our physiology; our bodies breathe without us having to consider every single breath. 10 Total Points
  • Lesson 5 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 5 : Breathing Techniques

Lesson 6 : Sound Therapy

As you learned in Lesson 4 about Mindfulness, every relaxation intervention will be greatly improved by applying not only what you learn in this current lesson, but by applying what you learned about being "mindful" about everything that you do. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 6 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 6 : Sound Therapy

Lesson 7: Meditation

Meditation, especially mindful meditation is not something to undertake lightly or half-heartedly. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 7 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 7: Meditation

Lesson 8 : Moving Meditations

For those of you who may think, "Hey, great! I like walking. I'll do my meditating while I walk," this is not what you might expect. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 8 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 8 : Moving Meditations

Lesson 9 : Self-Hypnosis

While you may have only seen hypnosis done on the stage and think of it as some kind of entertaining trick, hypnosis is considered by all medical specialists to be a powerful mind/body medicine. 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 9 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 9 : Self-Hypnosis

Lesson 10 : NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is an approach to changing thoughts and behaviors by setting an "intent" to do so, and then modeling excellence. 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 10 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 10 : NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Lesson 11 : Aromatherapy for Relaxation

One of the most common reasons people turn to aromatherapy is to help them to relax. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 11 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 11 : Aromatherapy for Relaxation

Lesson 12 : Yoga

We will now turn our attention to a form of relaxation that most of you have heard of, and many of you already participate in. 12 Total Points
  • Lesson 12 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 12 : Yoga

Lesson 13 : Ayurveda and Relaxation

This lesson in Ayurveda follows the lesson on Yoga for a very specific reason. While Yoga is a commonly accepted form of complementary medicine in the Western world, a great many people are not familiar with Yoga's sister, Ayurveda. 11 Total Points
  • Lesson 13 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Relaxation
  • Assessment: Lesson 13 : Ayurveda and Relaxation

Lesson 14 : Relaxation and Serious Illness

This may be one of the most difficult lessons of this course, and yet it may have the most impact on the people who need it desperately. 8 Total Points
  • Lesson 14 Video
  • Assessment: Lesson 14 : Relaxation and Serious Illness

Lesson 15 : The Relaxing Road to Happiness

Holistic healing as a road to relaxation is the best, most balanced approach to living there is. 62 Total Points
  • Lesson 15 Video
  • Lesson discussions: Course Completion Poll: Your Thoughts; Program Evaluation Follow-up Survey (End of Course); Course Comments
  • Assessment: Lesson 15 : The Relaxing Road to Happiness
  • Assessment: The Final Exam
Total Course Points

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Identify the causes and effects of stress and relaxation.
  • Recognize stress and the effects on our health.
  • Summarize natural remedies to relieve stress and achieve relaxation and mindfulness.
  • Demonstrate breathing techniques to aid in relaxation.
  • Describe sound therapy and its use in relaxation exercises.
  • Demonstrate meditation techniques to achieve relaxation and stress-free living.
  • Summarize the possibilities and potential benefits of self-hypnosis.
  • Define NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
  • Describe aromatherapy and yoga techniques for relaxation.
  • Describe Ayurveda and Relaxation.
  • Summarize the benefits of relaxation when dealing with serious illnesses.
  • Recognize the relaxing road to happiness.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Relaxation 101
Course Number: 8900123
Lessons Rating: 4.6 / 5 Stars (2,034 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas.
Last Updated: April 2024
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.9 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Syllabus: View Syllabus
Course Fee: $120.00 U.S. dollars

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Student Testimonials

  • "I learned about stress and relaxation more than I expected. It will help and guide me for the rest of my life." -- Mi B.
  • "The course content he provided was great and was well presented. His manner of presenting is enjoyable to learn and maintains one's interest. The instructor was also prompt with feedback on tests and assignments." -- Terra M.
  • "I thought this class would be silly self-help class but it turned out to be a great, informative class I'd recommend to others. Very interesting and helpful. I learned a lot of things I never knew and some things that have already helped me to relax more. Instructor was great. Thanks." -- Kathleen S.
  • "I enjoyed this class and I hope I can take another one if he teaches it!" -- Lynn B.
  • "This was a great meaningful experience. Thanks, teacher!" -- Cindylu F.