Online Class: Reiki Hand Placements

In this course we will also go over the philosophy of Reiki, the components of Reiki and practice of Reiki. We will also learn what the 7 chakras of the body are, which organs they guide, and negative symptoms that occur when chakras are blocked.


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Course Description

Mastering Reiki: Channeling Universal Energy for Holistic Healing

Dive deep into the ancient art of Reiki and learn to harness the universal energy that permeates all living things. This transformative course will empower you with the skills and knowledge to touch lives – including your own – with a healing force that transcends conventional medicine.

Reiki, a Japanese practice with origins that trace back thousands of years, operates on the belief that unseen energy flows through our bodies and is responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This course meticulously covers not only the techniques of channeling this energy effectively but also the underlying philosophy and components that make Reiki the globally respected practice it is today.

Understanding the intricate network of chakras, or energy centers, within the body is pivotal for any Reiki practitioner. Our course delves into the seven primary chakras, elucidating their functions, the organs they govern, and the potential ailments that arise from blockages. Each chakra corresponds to specific Reiki hand placements, and as you progress, you will gain comprehensive insights into all 12 of these placements and their interconnections with the chakras.

A highlight of this course is the introduction to two quintessential Reiki techniques:

  1. The Reiki Finish - This technique is employed at the culmination of a Reiki session, aiming to balance the recipient's circulation, ensuring that energy flows unobstructedly throughout their body.

  2. The Dry Bathing Technique - A self-purifying method, this technique enables the practitioner to remain grounded, centered, and energized after a session. It serves as a reminder to be present and harness the renewed vigor that Reiki bestows.

Course Breakdown:

  • Lesson 1: An Introduction to Reiki
    Delve into the rich history and foundational concepts of Reiki.

  • Lesson 2: Chakras and Hand Placements 1 and 2
    Explore the symbiotic relationship between the first two chakras and their corresponding hand placements.

  • Lesson 3: Attunements and Hand Placements 3 and 4
    Learn about the Reiki attunement process and its association with the third and fourth hand placements.

  • Lesson 4: Reiki Principles and Hand Placements 5 and 6
    Reflect upon the core principles of Reiki while exploring the next set of hand placements.

  • Lesson 5: Reiki Ethics and Hand Placements 7 and 8
    Understand the ethical considerations in Reiki practice, complemented by insights into further hand placements.

  • Lesson 6: Practicing Reiki with Pets and Hand Placements 9 and 10
    Delve into the therapeutic world of providing Reiki for animals, coupled with the ninth and tenth hand placements.

  • Lesson 7: The Reiki Finish, The Dry Bathing Technique, and Hand Placements 11-12
    Master the two essential Reiki techniques and the final set of hand placements.

  • Lesson 8: Reiki Hand Positions, Chakras, and Specific Symptoms
    Revisit the intricate relationship between hand positions, chakras, and their potential health implications.

  • Lesson 9: Review
    Consolidate your learnings and ensure a robust understanding of the practice.

By the end of this enlightening journey, you'll be equipped to draw from the reservoirs of Universal Energy, allowing Reiki to guide and heal both you and those around you. Join us in this immersive experience and take a transformative step towards holistic well-being.

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Course Motivation


This course will teach students about Reiki and how to do Reiki Hand Placements. This is a great career that  helps to improve general health and wellbeing as well as to reduce anxiety or stress. The techniques covered in this course may be used for self-treatment or treatments for others.  

The goal of this course is to encourage students to learn Reiki Hand Placements so that you can use this amazing method of healing for yourself or others if you are so inspired. This is a beginning Reiki course, so we will assume that you do not have any background in Reiki. We will cover basic topics useful for the practice of Reiki, including Reiki Hand Placements, energy concerning using Reiki, Reiki principles, and Reiki techniques.

Introduction to Reiki 

What is Reiki? Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an alternative medicine used as a complementary therapy. Although it is a spiritual practice, it is not considered to be religious. A Reiki practitioner will use Reiki Hand Placements to channel healing energy, a form of ki, through the palms of their hands.

Reiki is considered a Japanese practice today, but other cultures have used Reiki. For instance, people of ancient Egypt were believed to practice a form of Reiki. Reiki techniques and methods were also known to have originated in the Orient, where they are still used today.

Although Reiki is not scientifically based and research has not proven the techniques to cure disease, Reiki treatments may be effective in the treatment of many human conditions, including stress, anxiety, and body aches and illnesses caused by a multitude of factors. Many Reiki practitioners believe that Reiki treatments are particularly healing. Stories abound regarding people and pets being healed by Reiki.

Reiki is not meant to replace regular doctor visits, check-ups or other treatments suggested by your health care provider. As a matter of fact, Reiki is often used in addition to traditional Western medical treatments and other forms of alternative medicine to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions in conjunction with one another. Reiki works in harmony with medications, surgery, psychological care or other medical treatments. 

Reiki Hand Placements are similar to other practices,such as Chinese medicine, Chi Gong, and holistic medicine. You could say that Reiki is a combination of Eastern practices that have been used for thousands of years. Reiki Hand Placements share some similarities to acupuncture and other practices, though no needles or massage is used in its techniques.  

Who can learn Reiki?

Reiki has been taught across various ages, cultures, and stages of health. It is said that Reiki is easy to learn and many people can learn Reiki. You can most likely learn Reiki techniques whether you are young, elderly, in between or whether you are healthy or not. 

What kinds of ailments can Reiki help heal?

Reiki is used to address different kinds of ailments. You can use Reiki to decrease your stress and relax. There are stories of Reiki healing all kinds of medical challenges, such as sprains, colds, flus, headaches, sinus troubles, or anxiety. Reiki has also been practiced to treat heart conditions, cancer, respiratory problems, infertility, or other conditions. Some people say Reiki speeds up healing and can even enhance the healing process and reduce length of stays in hospitals. 

Can Reiki be used for pets and plants?

Reiki can definitely be used for pets, and even plants! Some animals, such as cats, are said to like Reiki if they need it, so we will include information about using Reiki on your pet later on in this course. Reiki may also be used for smaller animals, insects or even machines like your computer or tempermental printer.

Can I use Reiki on myself?

Yes, definitely. You can use Reiki to heal yourself or recover from a variety of conditions much faster. How amazing is that?

How is a Reiki Treatment Given?

During a Reiki treatment, you remain fully clothed (except your shoes) . Most often, you will be lying down and relaxed. You might be lying down on a massage table or on the floor, but it doesn't really matter - what's most comfortable for you is just fine. You might want to wear loose clothing and take off any jewelry you're wearing so that you are completely comfortable. Some Reiki treatments may involve dimming the lights or meditative music. Other Reiki treatments may offer complete silence for total relaxation.

Is Reiki practiced only hands-on?

Reiki is traditionally used hands-on, but Reiki can also be used in a non-touch form, where the practitioner's hands are near the client but not touching the client. Reiki has even been used to help heal people from far away.

How many levels are Reiki are there?

Reiki is often taught in three levels. In the first level, basic Reiki Hand Placement techniques, basic theories and procedures are taught. In this first level, student obtain guidance about receiving attunements. In the second level, students receive guidance about the symbols in Reiki that are thought to strengthen Reiki treatments- one particular symbol may help using Reiki at a distance. The third level of Reiki is considered the master level. Completion of the third level entitles the student to become a Reiki master.   


Course Lessons

  • Lesson 1: An Introduction to Reiki

    In this lesson, we will discover what Reiki is and review the meaning behind the word Reiki.
  • Lesson 2: Chakras and Hand Placements 1 and 2

    In this lesson, we will cover the body's seven chakras. We'll explain about the body's aura and learn how to prepare for the first two Reiki hand placements.
  • Lesson 3: Attunements and Hand Placements 3 and 4

    In this lesson, we will cover what an attunement is, learn two additional Reiki hand placements, and then review what we have learned up to this point.
  • Lesson 4: Reiki Principles and Hand Placements 5 and 6

    In this lesson, we will learn about the 5 Reiki Principles and then continue with Reiki Hand Placements 5 and 6.
  • Lesson 5: Reiki Ethics and Hand Placements 7 and 8

    In this lesson, we will cover some Reiki Ethics and then move on to learn Reiki Hand Placements 7 and 8.
  • Lesson 6: Practicing Reiki with Pets and Hand Placements 9 and 10

    In this lesson, we will learn how to practice Reiki on animals or pets as well as review the benefits of Reiki for animals. Then, we will finish up this lesson by learning Reiki Hand Placements 9 and 10.
  • Lesson 7: The Reiki Finish, The Dry Bathing Technique and Hand Placements 11-12

    In this lesson, we will learn Reiki Hand Placements 11 and 12. Then we will learn about the Reiki Finish and learn the Dry Bathing Technique, finishing up with a review of what's been covered so far.
  • Lesson 8: Reiki Hand Positions, Chakras and Reiki, and Specific Symptoms

    In this lesson, we will review alternatives to some Reiki hand positions and then explore which ailments and organs each chakra guides.
  • Lesson 9: Review

    In this lesson, we will review some main points from the previous 8 lessons and review the 12 Reiki Hand Positions.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe what reiki is.
  • Describe chakras and hand placements 1-2.
  • Describe attunements and hand placements 3-4.
  • Describe reiki principles and hand placements 5-6.
  • Describe reiki ethics and hand placements 7-8.
  • Describe practicing reiki with pets and hand placements 9-10.
  • Describe the reiki finish, the dry bathing technique and hand placements 11-12.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Student Testimonials

  • "I really learned a lot and I truly enjoyed the course." -- Rubye W.
  • "I found that the content that was asked on an exam was discussed and memorable within the material. The material was organized in a way that built upon the next topic for understanding the whole. I enjoyed not only the material, but the style of teaching in this course. For that I appreciate the course." -- Vicki T.