Online Class: Reiki Attunements
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Course Description
Journey into Reiki: Harnessing the Ancient Art of Healing
In a dynamic and fast-paced world, where both external and internal landscapes are constantly shifting, our collective focus on health and wellness is more pronounced than ever. Hailing from the serene landscapes of Japan, Reiki has emerged as a prominent pillar in the global wellness arena. By 2023, the wellness industry, with Reiki as one of its notable contributors, has seen remarkable growth. This surge is driven by a discerning populace who value holistic, non-invasive techniques in their quest for well-being.
A facet of Reiki that particularly resonates with today's global community is its ability to transcend geographical constraints. Think about the profound notion of a person in Europe drawing healing energy from a practitioner situated in Asia. This boundless attribute of Reiki sets it apart and magnetizes enthusiasts from all corners of the globe.
At the heart of this course lies a comprehensive exploration of Reiki's crux - the Attunement process. In contrast to many healing practices that necessitate prolonged periods of learning, Reiki offers a transformative gateway through attunement. This revered ritual kindles one's inherent healing prowess, establishing a potent link with the limitless expanse of Reiki energy. Being attuned means you’re equipped not just for self-healing, but also to radiate this curative energy outward. And this isn’t a fleeting capability; it's a lifelong commitment to wellness, intertwining the ethereal and tangible realms.
It's worth noting that the journey post-attunement varies. While some may pursue a professional path as Reiki practitioners, others intertwine this energy into their daily lives, cultivating a nurturing environment for themselves and their kin.
Our course is not a mere instructional guide; it's an odyssey into the depths of your soul. By integrating meditative practices and personal narratives from a tapestry of individuals who've experienced the Attunement rite, we offer a panoramic view of Reiki's impact. These authentic narratives unravel diverse experiences, enriching your understanding and appreciation of the practice.
Course Outline:
Lesson 1: The Genesis of Reiki
A foundational overview, delving into Reiki's rich history and its resonant significance in the contemporary realm. -
Lesson 2: The Sacred Tapestry of Symbols
Navigate the intricate world of Reiki symbols, elucidating their essence and their therapeutic applications. -
Lesson 3: The Philosophical Foundations of Reiki Attunements
Delve into the pivotal theoretical underpinnings that anchor the Attunement process. -
Lessons 4 & 5: Aligning for Attunement
A dual-segment series charting out the preparatory measures to ensure one is spiritually and mentally calibrated for the Attunement ritual. -
Lessons 6 to 8: Progressive Attunement Levels
A sequential exploration into the three primary attunement tiers, spotlighting their distinct features and inherent advantages. -
Lessons 9 & 10: The Sacred Ritual: Attunement Ceremony
An in-depth exposition of the ceremonial traditions, practices, and significance within Reiki attunements. -
Lesson 11: The Infinite Reach: Remote Reiki Attunements
Venturing into the fascinating domain of long-distance healing and the principles enabling Reiki's boundless outreach. -
Lesson 12: Culmination & Reflection
A synthesized review of all modules, fostering a comprehensive and integrative grasp of Reiki.
To both the well-versed and the newcomer, this course promises more than just knowledge acquisition. It's an invitation to immerse oneself in the sublime world of Reiki and to harness its transformative essence. In aligning with us, you don't merely learn; you evolve. Let this exploration steer your journey towards a symphony of holistic rejuvenation and profound connections.
- Completely Online
- Self-Paced
- 6 Months to Complete
- 24/7 Availability
- Start Anytime
- PC & Mac Compatible
- Android & iOS Friendly
- Accredited CEUs

Course Lessons
Lesson 1. Discovering Inner Harmony: Reiki’s Historical and Philosophical Roots
Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course
Complete Assignment: An Introduction
Assessment: Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2. Reiki Symbols: Beyond the Mystical Lineage
Assessment: Lesson 2 - Reiki Symbols
Lesson 3. Unleashing Your Inner Healer: The Power of Reiki Attunement
Assessment: Lesson 3 - The theory of Reiki Attunements
Lesson 4. Attunement Essentials: A Profound Guide to Optimal Preparation
Assessment: Lesson 4 - Preparing for Reiki Attunement Part 1
Lesson 5. Mastering the Essentials: Techniques for Aura Cleaning and Grounding
Assessment: Lesson 5 - Preparing for Reiki Attunement Part 2
Lesson 6. Unlocking Self-Healing: Reiki Level 1 Essentials
Assessment: Lesson 6 - Reiki Level 1 Attunements
Lesson 7. Reiki 2: Healing Beyond Self
Assessment: Lesson 7 - Reiki Level 2 Attunements
Lesson 8. Reiki 3: Unlocking Your Master Level Potential
Assessment: Lesson 8 - Reiki Level 3 Attunements
Lesson 9. Simplifying the Attunement Process
Assessment: Lesson 9 - The Attunement Ceremony
Lesson 10. Symbolism and Energy in Crystal Reiki
Assessment: Lesson 10 - The Attunement Ceremony Part 2
Lesson 11. Unseen Connections: The Essence of Remote Reiki Healing
Assessment: Lesson 11 - Remote Reiki Attunements
Lesson 12. Reiki: Deepening Understanding and Embracing Healing
Lesson discussions: End of Course Poll; Course Comments
Learning Outcomes
- Define what a reiki attunement is.
- Summarize reiki symbols.
- Describe the theory of reiki attunements.
- Describe how to prepare for a reiki attunement.
- Describe reiki level 1 attunements.
- Describe reiki level 2 attunements.
- Describe reiki level 3 attunements.
- Summarize the attunement ceremony.
- Describe remote reiki attunements.
- Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.
Student Testimonials
- "Helpful course, thank you. I always appreciate visuals to go with the text." -- Priscilla P.
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