Online Class: Enhance Your Everyday Vocabulary

Increase your vocabulary at your own pace with this online vocabulary course. Through interactive lessons and well-structured writing exercises, you will learn interesting and relevant vocabulary words and how to incorporate them in your daily conversations and writings.

Self-Paced, Online Class
Somerset Public Library
  • 20
  • 41
    Exams &
  • 15
    average time
  • 1.5
    Video Audit

Course Description

Master the Art of Language: Elevate Your Vocabulary Online Course

Imagine being in the middle of an engaging discussion, and suddenly, a word pops up that you're not familiar with. Perhaps it's a word you've encountered multiple times, such as 'plethora'. While you vaguely recall its meaning, you aren't confident enough to use it in your conversations or writings. Whether you missed out on certain vocabulary lessons in school or simply need a refresher, our comprehensive online course is here to bridge that gap.

Why Enhance Your Vocabulary?

A robust vocabulary not only bolsters your communication skills but also elevates your self-confidence. Engaging in business meetings, social gatherings, or academic discussions becomes more enriching when you can articulate your thoughts succinctly and compellingly. Beyond professional and social interactions, having a vast vocabulary also aids in solving puzzles like crosswords and triumphing in games like Trivial Pursuit.

Course Structure and Features

Our course offers a flexible learning approach, allowing you to assimilate new words at a pace that suits you – be it 10 words a day or even a week. The course encompasses 20 meticulously crafted lessons, each focusing on ten distinct words relevant to various contexts. These range from words rooted in foreign languages, culinary terminologies, and literary terms to those used in technology, business, and even philosophy.

Here's a glimpse of what to expect:

  • Interactive Sessions: Dive deep into the origin, meaning, and application of each word. You won't just be memorizing; you'll understand the context, ensuring long-term retention.

  • Practical Applications: Practice makes perfect. Use the newly learned words in sentences and paragraphs, ensuring that they become a part of your active vocabulary.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: From words with tricky pronunciations and those often interchanged mistakenly to descriptors for human traits and words from various cultures, our course covers a broad spectrum.

  • Bonus Writing Assistance: While the primary focus is vocabulary enhancement, we also provide guidance on effective writing, helping you craft impeccable content.

Sample Lessons Include:

  • Lesson 4: Words with Pronunciation Pitfalls - Delve into words that are often mispronounced and learn the correct way to articulate them.

  • Lesson 10: Technology Words - In an era of rapid digital advancement, stay updated with terms that dominate tech discussions.

  • Lesson 15: Legal Vocabulary - Understand the jargon used in legal circles, ensuring clarity in legal discussions or documentations.

  • Lesson 20: Philosophy and Theory - Grasp complex philosophical terms that can make scholarly discussions more insightful.

Enrich Your Conversations and Writings

Gone are the days when you would feel out of place in a conversation or hesitate to pen down your thoughts. By the end of this course, you'll find yourself wielding words with precision, impressing peers, and feeling a renewed sense of confidence. So, embark on this linguistic journey and rediscover the joy of learning and using a diverse range of words. Join us and invest in a skill that will benefit you for a lifetime.

Course Motivation

Is a limited vocabulary holding you down?
Have you found yourself using a word in a conversation, only to humiliate yourself by mispronouncing the word, or using it incorrectly?
If you're ready to sway your five cent words for "fifty cent words", then this course may be the perfect prescription for success.
This class consists of 20 interactive lessons that will add an additional 200 words or phrases to your vocabulary repertoire. This is an intermediate vocabulary course, and demands at least a ninth grade English reading aptitude.
By the time you’ve completed the course, not only will you have boosted your vocabulary, you’ll know how to pronounce, understand AND use the words in both written sentences and general conversation. More than that, though, you’ll have gained a long-lasting ability to commit words of interest to memory--as needed!
All of the lessons are broken down into relevant categories, such as:
  • Words used by experts
  • Words from the restaurant industry
  • Business and economics lingo
  • Legal phrases
  • Technology terminology,
  • And more!
All reading materials and lesson supplements are conveniently attached to each lesson, so there's no need to purchase additional books or riffle through notes and papers to find what you're looking for.
Discussion and interaction are encouraged, and several methods are available to make communication simple and effective.
Improving your vocabulary can, literally, spell success. Failing to do so can spell disaster. There are any number of reasons that boosting your word power can pay off, with benefits both large and small:
  • To position yourself for a promotion
  • To showcase your personal expertise
  • To gain comfort and confidence in new subjects and fields
  • To be a better Scrabble™ player
  • To breeze through crossword puzzles
  • Or, simply to "Wow!" your friends and loved ones
Regardless of your motivation for revving up your vocabulary, Instructor Cathleen Glenn has come up with a proven, step-by-step method for not only memorizing hew vocabulary words, but also using them flawlessly and confidently.
There's an old saying: "Once you use a word three times, it's yours." This class utilizes the truth of this statement to the max. Over the course of each lesson, you'll use each new word a total of at least three different times...
  1. You'll read and uncover the origins of each word, including examples
  2. You'll practice using each of the words in an assignment sentence and in the forums
  3. Additionally, you’ll be able to test your knowledge in end of lesson quizzes, mid-term tests and your final exam.
The course contains a total of 20 comprehensive lessons, each focusing on a different category or topic:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Increasing Your Vocabulary

Lesson 2: Some Words Rooted in Foreign Languages

Lesson 3: Suffixes

Lesson 4: Words with Punctuation Pitfalls

Lesson 5: Having to do with Food Preparation

Lesson 6: Literary Terms

Lesson 7: Words Describing Human Traits

Lesson 8: Words Used in Testing

Lesson 10: Technology Words

Lesson 11: Words the May Deceive You

Lesson 12: Expanding your Description Vocabulary

Lesson 13: Roots

Lesson 14: Descriptive Adjectives and Human Traits

Lesson 15: Legal Vocabulary

Lesson 16: Words from Many Cultures

Lesson 17: Business & Economic Terms

Lesson 18: Words for Human Abnormalities

Lesson 19: Human Behavior

Lesson 20: Philosophy and Theory
Each lesson must be completed sequentially. In order to progress to Lesson 2, you must first fully complete Lesson 1, and so on. This course will be graded on a total of 185 points. End of lesson quizzes are worth 6-8 points (there are a total of 19). The mid-term is worth 20 points, and so are you final exams and classroom participation.
While the primary objective of this course is to improve your vocabulary, there are some fringe benefits included in the package. One of them is the positive impact this coursework will make on your writing skills as well.
Not only will assignments require that you create sentences using the new vocabulary word, you'll also be responsible for crafting short paragraphs using the words. Decades of educational experience clearly indicates that learning retention is boosted when multiple methods are employed. Instructor Glenn knows and understands this principle, and used it as the foundation the lessons and materials were built upon.
Best of all, this class gives you the freedom to work at your own pace.
There's no need to juggle your schedule around to make it to class on set days or times. This flexibility extends to classroom communications as well, and there are a host of ways that you can get (and stay) in touch with both the instructor and the rest of your classmates.
Enrollment is open 24/7, so register today to take your vocabulary to dizzying new heights.

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.5 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(4,663 votes)
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Increasing Your Vocabulary

    Introduction to Increasing Your Vocabulary
  • Lesson 2: Some Words Rooted in Foreign Languages

    Lesson 2: Some Words Rooted in Foreign Languages
  • Lesson 3: Suffixes

    Lesson 3: Suffixes
  • Lesson 4: Words with Pronunciation Pitfalls

    Lesson 4: Words with pronunciation pitfalls.
  • Lesson 5: Having to do with Food Preparation

    Lesson 5: Having to do with Food Preparation
  • Lesson 6: Literary Terms

    Lesson 6: Literary terms
  • Lesson 7: Words Describing Human Traits

    Lesson 7: Words Describing Human Traits
  • Lesson 8: Words Often Interchanged

    Lesson 8: Words Often Interchanged
  • Lesson 9: Words Used in Testing

    Lesson 9: Words Used in Testing
  • Lesson 10: Technology Words

    Lesson 10: Technology Words
  • Lesson 11: Words That May Deceive You

    Lesson 11: Words That May Deceive You
  • Lesson 12: Expanding Your Description Vocabulary

    Lesson 12: Expanding Your Description Vocabulary
  • Lesson 13: Roots

    Lesson 13: Roots
  • Lesson 14: Descriptive Adjectives and Human Traits

    Lesson 14: Descriptive Adjectives and Human Traits
  • Lesson 15: Legal Vocabulary

    Lesson 15: Legal Vocabulary
  • Lesson 16: Words from Many Cultures

    Lesson 16: Words from Many Cultures
  • Lesson 17: Business and Economic Terms

    Review words relating to business and economics.
  • Lesson 18: Words for Human Abnormalities

    Lesson 18: Words for Human Abnormalities
  • Lesson 19: Human Behavior

    Lesson 19: Human Behavior
  • Lesson 20: Philosophy and Theory

    Philosophy and Theory

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Define some words rooted in foreign languages.
  • Define suffixes.
  • Recognize words with pronunciation pitfalls.
  • Define word having to do with food preparation.
  • Recognize literary terms.
  • Define words describing human traits.
  • Identify words often interchanged.
  • Recognize words used on standardized tests.
  • Identify words that may deceive you.
  • Define and recognize word roots.
  • Define adjectives for human behavior and human abnormalities.
  • Recognize words from many cultures.
  • Define common legal terms.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Enhance Your Everyday Vocabulary
Course Number: 57700119
Lessons Rating: 4.5 / 5 Stars (4,663 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Last Updated: December 2023
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 1.5 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Instructor: Dana Kristan
Syllabus: View Syllabus

Student Testimonials

  • "Thank you for allowing me to do this course. I Loved it so much and now I know more words and new meanings for them." -- Nissa F.
  • "The instructor was very helpful and explained the lessons well in her course materials. She is positive which is good for student's progress." -- Danna A.
  • "My instructor was positive and encouraging in her feedback to my lesson assignments." -- Cathy J.
  • "Daphnee is a wonderful instructor! The vocabulary exercises were very helpful." -- Nancy F.
  • "The course was very helpful but difficult. I enjoyed it, and also learned a lot from it. Thank you." -- Fatema S.
  • "The instructor was proficient and very able." -- Michael K.
  • "Course is very helpful and the instructor seems to be have good command in English. Good collection of words for enhancing the vocabulary." -- Neha B.
  • "The instructor was extremely helpful and answered my questions almost immediately. This course was so much fun!" -- Donna N.
  • "I enjoyed expanding my vocabulary in general, particularly with regards to more specific adjectives than I typically have at my command." -- Diana L.
  • "Enlightening course, very thorough instructor." -- Bonnie V.

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