Course Description

Discovering the Spiritual Self: A Journey of Inner Transformation

In an ever-accelerating world of technology and materialism, many people feel a longing for something deeper and more profound than everyday life. A void exists, one that is often left unaddressed. The journey of spiritual counseling and awareness steps in to fill this void, offering a transformative experience that transcends age, background, or education.

Every individual, at their core, is defined by their spiritual essence. Beyond our social status, relationships, or material possessions, it is our belief system that sets our path in life, guiding our actions and desires. Recognizing and understanding this spiritual core can be the gateway to living a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Course Insight:

Your mind and soul are intricately linked, with your thoughts, fears, and aspirations molding your character and shaping your destiny. By addressing the root causes of challenges and redirecting them, profound life changes can emerge. With trust and an open heart, this course provides the avenue for such transformation. But remember, like a seed turning into a blossoming tree, spiritual growth takes time. Nurture it with patience and love, and in return, it will reward you with clarity and purpose.

Throughout this enlightening journey, you'll delve deep into your psyche, uncovering the layers that have made you who you are today. This introspection will pave the way for recognizing your deepest desires and aims, while also enabling you to enhance your relationships through love, understanding, and forgiveness. Whether you're a soul scarred by the past or someone seeking a brighter, kinder future, this course offers the beacon of hope and healing you might be searching for.

Module Breakdown:

  • Lesson 1: Intention Manifestation Uncover the power of thought and how focused intention can manifest reality.

  • Lesson 2: Personal Visions/Dreams Explore the significance of dreams and visions, understanding their messages and guidance.

  • Lesson 3: Healing Emotional Scars Address past traumas and emotional wounds, learning how to heal and move forward.

  • Lesson 4: Establishing regular meditation Grasp the importance of meditation, learning techniques to quieten the mind and connect with the inner self.

  • Lesson 5: Transformations Witness the stages of spiritual evolution, understanding its impact on personal growth.

  • Lesson 6: Entering Trance Dive deep into altered states of consciousness, accessing hidden realms of the mind.

  • Lesson 7: Astral Projection Learn about the ethereal voyage of the soul outside the body, experiencing other dimensions.

  • Lesson 8: Connecting with the Higher Power Foster a connection with the divine, understanding its role in guiding and protecting us.

  • Lesson 9: Revisiting the past Harness past life memories and experiences, utilizing them for present growth.

  • Lesson 10: Conference of the spirit Engage in profound spiritual dialogues, garnering wisdom from ethereal sources.

  • Lesson 11: Using fear to your advantage Turn fear from a deterrent into a motivator, unlocking its potential to spur growth.

Note to Aspirants:

While this course is steeped in rich spiritual wisdom, it might introduce concepts that challenge conventional beliefs or might appear controversial. It is essential to approach each lesson with an open heart and an open mind. Remember, in this journey of discovery and transformation, the most crucial resource will be your own self. Harnessing inner wisdom and experiences will pave the way for a deeper understanding and spiritual growth.


Whether you're just beginning to understand your spiritual path or are far along in your journey, this course promises a transformative experience. Step into a world of self-awareness, spiritual enlightenment, and profound healing. Welcome to the journey of discovering your spiritual self.

Areas of Study

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Define emotional energy.
  • Describe healing emotional scars.
  • Establish regular meditation.
  • Describe insecurity.
  • Describe self-hypnosis/trance.
  • Describe the astounding effects of visualization.
  • Summarize positive and negative affirmations.
  • Define personal beliefs and values.
  • Describe conference of the spirits.
  • Describe using fear to your advantage.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
Activity 2 points
Lesson 1: Process of Manifesting Intentions 2 points
Lesson One: Intention Manifestation Quiz 12 points
Lesson Two: Emotional Energy Quiz 12 points
Lesson Three: Healing Emotional Scars Quiz 10 points
Lesson 4: Activity 2 points
Lesson Four: Establishing Regular Meditation Quiz 10 points
Lesson Five: Insecurity 9 points
Lesson Six: Self-Hypnosis/Trance 11 points
Lesson Seven: The Astounding Effects of Visualization 9 points
Lesson 8: Positive Statements 2 points
Lesson Eight: Positive and Negative Affirmations 8 points
Lesson Nine: Personal Beliefs and Values 10 points
Lesson 10: Activity 2 points
Lesson Ten: Conference of the Spirits 8 points
Final Exam 52 points
Lesson Eleven: Using Fear to Your Advantage 10 points