Online Class: Law Office Management 101

This course will act as a guide for all legal professionals who wish to improve their law office management capabilities.


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  • 12
  • 14
    Exams &
  • 7
    average time
  • 0.7

Course Description

The legal system is complex structure that requires a lot of care and attention to detail in order to successfully navigate through it. Law offices often need to take additional steps to ensure their success. The biggest obstacle that legal professionals face in their careers is disorder within their practices. The solution? Implementing law office management practices in their firms to keep them organized and on top of the business elements of the law. This course will act as a guide for all legal professionals who wish to improve their law office management capabilities. It is the intent of this course to provide anyone currently in or entering into the legal profession the means of how to properly maintain order in a law office. A few of the topics covered in this course will include:

·    An Introduction To Law Office Management

o   What is involved in managing a law office? What skills are required? Who actually takes on such a massive task? There's a lot involved in law office management and this course hopes to thoroughly dissect the associated factors, including the options available.

·    Ethics of Law Office Management

o   Ethics is a massive part of the legal system and it can have a huge impact on the management practices of a law office. The limitations placed on law offices by the rules of professional conduct can impact their very structure. They can also be used to identify where firms can improve themselves for the sake of their clients. This guide will cover what ethical aspects of the legal system need to be looked at in order for a law office to be effectively managed.

·    File and Records Management

o   The basic task involved in law office management is creating an organized structure so important items like a firm's files are properly handled. This will include options that a law office has for storing, securing, and disposing of their files and records. 

Courses Frequently Bought Together:

Course Lessons

  • Lesson 1- An Introduction To Law Office Management

    This lesson will go over the course agenda of looking into what is involved in law office management and what needs to be done with it for an office to be successful requires an in-depth look.
  • Lesson 2- The Changing Structure Of Law Firms

    When it comes to effective law office management, so many factors need to be taken into consideration that it can be hard to figure out where to start. This lesson will focus and discuss on these factors.
  • Lesson 3 -Clients, Personal Relations, and Communications

    This lesson will focus and discuss how to effectively manage all the human components involved in running a law firm.
  • Lesson 4- Ethics

    This lesson will focus on the relationship between ethics and managing a law firm.
  • Lesson 5- Human Resources

    This lesson will discuss the role of Human Resources in understanding law office management.
  • Lesson 6- Marketing

    This lesson will discuss the need for Marketing strategies in order to manage a law firm.
  • Lesson 7- Money Management

    This lesson is designed to provide the necessary information on the financial portion of law office management.
  • Lesson 8- File Management

    This lesson will go into the details of file management that are necessary for law offices to remain organized and continue on their path to success.
  • Lesson 9- Docket Management

    Dockets are directly tied to a case, and mismanaging them and their associated information can cause harm to a client and their case. This lesson will discuss organizing strategies for Docket Management.
  • Lesson 10- Knowledge and Records Management

    This lesson will look at what can be done to properly manage knowledge and records within a law office, the different options available, and the associated problems.
  • Lesson 11- Law Firm Library Management

    This lesson will go into the specifics of law firm libraries, including what a law office should have in one and how to get started.
  • Lesson 12- Technology and the Law Firm in the Future

    This final lesson will cover the involvement technology has in law offices and their management.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe what law office management is and what a career would entail.
  • Recognize the changing structure of law firms.
  • Identify clients, personal relations, and communications.
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  • Describe file management processes in law office management.
  • Describe docket management.
  • Summarize knowledge and records management.
  • Describe law firm library management.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

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