Online Class: Bible Stories

In this comprehensive course, you will learn the details of many Bible stories such as stories of Creation, the Promised Land, Israel, and much more. Additional stories about God's people include Job, Esther, the Writing on the Wall, and Daniel in the Lion's Den. You will also learn some of the most important stories of the life of Jesus Christ, including his birth, the apostles, the last supper, and Judas betraying Jesus.

Self-Paced, Online Class
Broward County Library
  • 11
  • 24
    Exams &
  • 9
    average time
  • 0.9
    Video Audit

Course Description

Learning Bible stories is a great way to learn more about Christianity. They also help to inspire us and provide great life lessons that can be used in our lives today. Because of all these reasons, and other personal ones that people may have, studying Bible stories remains a popular pastime.

There are many Bible stories that are well known, and then there are some that are not quite as known, but still offer an important look at history. The great thing about Bible stories is that the lessons still hold true today. Although times have change and social norms have evolved, what lies at the core of how humans relate and interact with each other still remains. 

In this comprehensive course, you will learn the details of many Bible stories such as stories of Creation, the Promised Land, Israel, and much more. Additional stories about God's people include Job, Esther, the Writing on the Wall, and Daniel in the Lion's Den. You will also learn some of the most important stories of the life of Jesus Christ, including his birth, the apostles, the last supper, and Judas betraying Jesus.
This course also covers Jesus being on trial, his crucifixion, and returning to heaven, as well as the miracles and parables of Jesus. This course finishes up by looking at some of the more popular children's Bible stories.

There are many wonderful things to learn form this course; from Samson and Delilah to David and Goliath and everything in between. This comprehensive course offers many insightful writings and powerful life lessons, so why not join us today?

Course Motivation

Why Study Bible Stories?

Around the world, people study Bible stories on a regular basis. Church groups arrange Bible study groups, weekly lessons are usually delivered at Sunday services based on these stories, and there are even thousands of books dedicated to passing down Bible stories to children. So why are people still so interested in these ancient stories? For many reasons, including the following: 

  • Bible stories help us learn about where we came from and provide snapshots of our beginnings.
  • They usually teach us valuable lessons that can be used today, even in our vastly different and fast-paced world. The lessons found in Bible stories can be used today in everyday life.
  • The very nature of many Bible stories provides people with inspiration or a new way of looking at a particular subject.
  • Bible stories often teach us how to deal with some of the challenges that we face in our own lives.
  • They can help teach us right from wrong and give many people a feeling of closeness to their Creator and Jesus. The foundations of Christianity can be found in Bible stories.
  • Even those who are not dedicated to religion can still benefit from reading Bible stories because they can take value from the important lessons or they may be inspired. 

Learning Bible stories is a great way to learn more about Christianity and Judaism, as well as be inspired and learn life lessons that can be used in our lives today. For all these reasons and other personal ones that people may have, studying Bible stories remains a popular pastime. 

The Old and New Testament

The Bible stories in this course have been taken from both the Old and New Testament. There are popular stories from each that provide important lessons that make them valuable reading. From the Old Testament, we will learn stories that focus on creation, Noah, and the 10 commandments, among others. From the New Testament, we will learn about stories that cover Jesus, the Good Samaritan, and others. 

Pulling material from both the Old and New Testaments will help you learn a variety of stories and lessons. Some you may already be familiar with, such as the birth of Jesus, and others may be lesser known to you, such as the Man Born Blind. Whether you are already familiar with each story or not, it will serve a purpose in helping you review or learn anew. 

Narrowing It Down

When it comes to Bible stories, there are so many to choose from. They are all so good and well-worth reading. It is difficult to narrow down which ones to focus on, but alas, it must be done! With this in mind, in the following lessons you will go on to learn about the Bible stories that we have selected for this course. We are not saying they are the absolute best or most popular ones, but they were all selected to be a part of this course because they offer something interesting, valuable, and unique. 

Narrowing it down to fitting so many Bible stories into one course can be challenging. While we would like to include them all in here, we simply cannot. We hope you will agree that we have chosen a good variety of stories that will be both interesting and valuable to you. We believe we have created a great selection of them and we hope you do, too. 

Going Forward

As you learn about the Bible stories in this course, keep those that you are really fond of in mind. You may find ones that are particularly helpful to your life situations or that you would like to pass on to others who could benefit from being exposed to the lesson or by being inspired. There are also children's Bible stories that you will want to share with the children in your life, as they serve an important and helpful way of teaching them right from wrong.

Course Lessons

Average Lesson Rating:
4.5 / 5 Stars (Average Rating)
"Extraordinarily Helpful"
(1,534 votes)
  • Lesson 1: An Introduction to Bible Stories

    In this lesson, you will be introduced to why people study Bible stories and more.
  • Lesson 2: Stories in Genesis

    In this lesson, you will learn some of the Bible stories in Genesis, including the creation of the world and Adam and Eve.
  • Lesson 3: Going to the Promised Land

    In this lesson we will look at stories of the Promised Land, including Moses and the burning bush and the 10 commandments.
  • Lesson 4: Israelite Stories

    In this lesson, we will look at various Bible stories that are about Samson, David and Goliath, and Jonah.
  • Lesson 5: More Stories of God's People

    In this lesson, we look at additional Bible stories of God's people, including Job, Esther, and Daniel.
  • Lesson 6: Stories of Jesus Christ

    In this lesson, we begin to look at Bible stories about Jesus Christ, starting with his birth.
  • Lesson 7: More Jesus Stories

    In this lesson we look at more stories about Jesus, including the last supper, Judas betraying Jesus, and Jesus being on trial.
  • Lesson 8: Jesus Dies, Lives On

    In this lesson, we look at additional stories about Jesus, including his crucifixion, rising from the dead, and going to heaven.
  • Lesson 9: Miracles of Jesus

    In this lesson, we will look at some of the various miracles that were performed by Jesus.
  • Lesson 10: Parables of Jesus

    In this lesson, we will look at several of Jesus' parables, including the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan.
  • Lesson 11: Bible Stories for Kids

    This final lesson focuses on Bible stories for kids.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Describe what Bible stories are and why they're important.
  • Summarize stories in Genesis.
  • Summarize stories about the Promised Land.
  • Summarize Israelite stories.
  • Recognize stories of Jesus Christ.
  • Describe stories about life and death of Jesus Christ.
  • Summarize the miracles of Jesus.
  • Summarize the Parables of Jesus.
  • Identify Bible stories for kids.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Additional Course Information

Online CEU Certificate
  • Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements
  • Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs
  • Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online
  • View and Share Your Certificate Online or Download/Print as PDF
  • Display Your Certificate on Your Resume and Promote Your Achievements Using Social Media
Document Your CEUs on Your Resume
Course Title: Bible Stories
Course Number: 7550486
Lessons Rating: 4.5 / 5 Stars (1,534 votes)
Languages: English - United States, Canada and other English speaking countries
Availability: This course is online and available in all 50 states including: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Last Updated: November 2023
Course Type: Self-Paced, Online Class
CEU Value: 0.9 IACET CEUs (Continuing Education Units)
CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc. has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Grading Policy: Earn a final grade of 70% or higher to receive an online/downloadable CEU Certification documenting CEUs earned.
Assessment Method: Lesson assignments and review exams
Syllabus: View Syllabus

Student Testimonials

  • "This course was a great course on learning the basics of the Bible. The professer is very personable and did a great job. He even presents himself in his own videos, which is really a nice and extra effort that shows he wants to connect with his students. I noticed there are many amazing and interesting classes offered on this site with him teaching. I plan to take as many as possible. He is a wonderful teacher and I love his curiosity and quest for knowledge and analyzing different topics." -- Kim M.
  • "I really enjoyed this course & the instructor wish there were more courses I could take on the Bible." -- Valerie M.
  • "i wasn't excpeting to be asked questions but I'm glad he did. It challenged me to think a little be more on what I thaought." -- Clarissa P.
  • "Overall, this course was a good refresher for Bible stories I already knew, but I learned a great deal both from stories I was not familiar with and from stories that described the culture or history of the times. This course has given me a good foundation before joining Bible study groups at our church and for understanding Bible stories brought up in our minister's sermons. Most helpful were the supplemental readings. Also the instructor ('Mac')gave informative video lectures, visual and audio learning experiences that enhanced my appreciation of the Bible stories. 'Mac' is very personable, down to earth, and I would like to take more courses for which he's the instructor." -- Donna B.
  • "This course is well written and it is a great course for new Bible students and a great refresher course for season Bible students.The instructor is passionate about teaching this subject." -- Yolanda C.
  • "The instructor did an excellent job teaching the lessons; he is very knowledgeable and prepared for what he teaching." -- Rebekah C.
  • "The instructor was thorough and efficient with giving feedback regarding assignments and exams." -- Arlisa L.
  • "I love this instructor and will take more of his classes." -- Jeremiah M.
  • "Mac is an amazing instructor and very knowledgable." -- Amelia H.
  • "Great personal videos submitted by the instructor." -- Louise S.
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