Course Syllabus


Course Description

Master the Art of Speed Writing: Dive into Gregg Shorthand

In the fast-paced world of communication, the ability to rapidly capture information can be invaluable. Gregg Shorthand, since its development in 1888, has stood the test of time, becoming the most popular and efficient shorthand system globally. Its widespread acceptance isn't surprising - it's regarded as the simplest to grasp, utilize, and interpret, thanks to its sleek, direct, and aesthetically pleasing design. Over the decades, it has undergone refinements, making it even more user-friendly for contemporary learners.

As of today, a staggering number of professionals across diverse sectors in almost every country have incorporated Gregg Shorthand into their daily routines. This dominance is a testament to the system's unparalleled efficacy in boosting productivity and efficiency.

Why Learn Gregg Shorthand?

Enrolling in this course offers an introduction to the "Simplified" second edition of Gregg Shorthand. Mastering this shorthand system can significantly enhance your professional life, making tasks easier and opening doors to various business opportunities. It's more than a course; it's an investment in a skill that pays rich dividends in time saved and opportunities captured.

Course Structure:

The course is structured to ensure maximum retention and application:

  1. Introduction to the Lesson: A primer to set context.
  2. The Lesson Body (Learn It): Each lesson is dissected topic-wise for clarity.
  3. Lesson Conclusion: Summarizing key takeaways.
  4. Practice Modules: Engage in writing exercises and activities post-lesson.
  5. Review Quiz: Test your understanding with a brief quiz.
  6. Resourceful Insights: The course is peppered with key term highlights, checklists, exercises, and resourceful website links, strategically placed for enhanced understanding.

By fully immersing yourself in the course content, you're not only acquiring a new skill but embarking on a journey to heightened professional capabilities.

Course Breakdown:

  1. Introduction to Gregg Shorthand: Understand its history, relevance, and global acceptance.
  2. Lesson 1 - First Shorthand Strokes: Familiarize yourself with the basics, the building blocks of the system.
  3. Lesson 2 - Useful Shorthand Devices: Dive deeper into shorthand tools that amplify speed.
  4. Lesson 3 - Nine More Shorthand Strokes: Broaden your shorthand vocabulary.
  5. Lesson 4 - Six New Alphabetic Characters: Introduce more alphabets to your shorthand toolkit.
  6. Lesson 5 - Useful Word Beginnings and Endings: Master shortcuts to expedite writing.
  7. Lesson 6 - The Remainder of the Gregg Alphabet: Complete your grasp on the shorthand alphabet.
  8. Lesson 7 - Abbreviating Devices: Learn tricks to compress lengthy words.
  9. Lesson 8 - The Home Stretch: Round off your understanding before the final lessons.
  10. Lesson 9 - The Final Shorthand Devices: Equip yourself with the last set of shorthand tools.
  11. Lesson 10 - Developing Your Skill: Engage in comprehensive practice sessions and review all that you've learned.

Elevate Your Communication Skills:

In today's bustling business landscape, where every minute counts, Gregg Shorthand emerges as an indispensable skill. Whether you're jotting down minutes in a meeting, capturing rapid lecture notes, or even brainstorming ideas, shorthand equips you to keep pace with thoughts and conversations in real-time.

Come, delve deep into this fascinating world of speed writing. Gain an edge, enhance your productivity, and carve a niche for yourself in the professional realm. Join us, and let's write the future, swiftly!

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate shorthand strokes.
  • Demonstrate basic writing using shorthand.
  • Use shorthand to record verbal conversations.
  • Recognize word beginnings and endings to speed up writing.
  • Describe methods for developing shorthand skills.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
Introductions 1 points
Lesson 1 Practice Activity B 2 points
Lesson 1 Practice Activity A 2 points
Lesson 1 Exam 10 points
Lesson 2 Practice Activity B 1 points
Lesson 2 Practice Activity A 1 points
Lesson 2 Exam 10 points
Lesson 3 Practice Activity B 2 points
Lesson 3 Practice Activity A 2 points
Lesson 3 Exam 9 points
Lesson 4 Practice Activity B 1 points
Lesson 4 Practice Activity A 1 points
Lesson 4 Exam 10 points
Lesson 5 Practice Activity B 2 points
Lesson 5 Practice Activity A 2 points
Lesson 5 Exam 10 points
Lesson 6 Practice Activity B 1 points
Lesson 6 Practice Activity A 1 points
Lesson 6 Exam 10 points
Lesson 7 Practice Activity B 2 points
Lesson 7 Practice Activity A 2 points
Lesson 7 Exam 10 points
Lesson 8 Practice Activity B 1 points
Lesson 8 Practice Activity A 1 points
Lesson 8 Exam 9 points
Lesson 9 Practice Activity B 2 points
Lesson 9 Practice Activity A 2 points
Lesson 9 Exam 10 points
Putting it all together: Translating a Newspaper Article 1 points
Putting it all together: Translating a TV Talk Show 1 points
Bonus 1 points
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