Course Description

A New Era of Aging: Embracing Longevity with Grace and Vigor

In today's ever-evolving landscape, the narrative around aging has witnessed a dramatic transformation. With the dawn of cutting-edge medical technology, the average lifespan has extended significantly. As per recent data, the global life expectancy has risen to an astounding 72.6 years, a monumental increase from the early 20th century.

This surge in longevity is not solely due to medical advancements; it's also attributed to a conscious shift in lifestyle. The contemporary individual is better informed and more proactive in integrating anti-aging techniques into daily routines. From adopting balanced diets to engaging in cognitive exercises, individuals today are crafting a pathway to a more vibrant, prolonged life.

The allure of preserving the vitality of our youth is undeniably enticing. Imagine harnessing the same zest and energy at 75 that you had at 30! A century ago, life beyond 65 seemed a distant dream for many. But with our current understanding, the mid to late 50s is now perceived as the "new middle-age", and it's not uncommon to witness individuals leading active lives into their late 90s.

The role of education in this transformation cannot be understated. Knowledge dissemination has empowered countless individuals to explore anti-aging strategies, directly impacting their life expectancy. But it's not just about the physical. An individual's attitude towards aging greatly influences the experience of it. This course delves deep into debunking age-old myths about aging and highlights the boundless potential that lies in the latter part of life.

What does it truly take to defy the traditional confines of age? The course will guide you through the importance of physical activity, exemplified by the lesson "Move it or Lose it!". It's proven that consistent movement reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Beyond that, we will explore the cosmetic industry's contributions to anti-aging, analyzing the efficacy of popular products and procedures.

Additionally, hydration, essential vitamins, and minerals are pivotal to maintaining a youthful demeanor. The course offers insights into age-old remedies and the crucial role of hormones in our aging process. For instance, did you know that the decline in estrogen and testosterone can directly impact skin elasticity and bone density?

Course Overview:

  • Lesson 1: Appearances, Appearances
    Delving into the aesthetic aspects of aging and understanding the significance of self-presentation.

  • Lesson 2: Move it or Lose it!
    The science behind the importance of physical activity in prolonging youthfulness.

  • Lesson 3: Cosmetic Wonders
    Evaluating the world of cosmetics and its contributions to anti-aging.

  • Lesson 4: Healthy Balances
    Understanding the equilibrium between different facets of health.

  • Lesson 5: I Know I Should, But I Don't
    Overcoming procrastination and barriers to healthy living.

  • Lesson 6: It's All About Attitude
    The psychological aspects of aging and its influence on the overall experience.

  • Lesson 7: The Importance of Nutrition
    A deep dive into essential nutrients and their role in preserving youth.

  • Lesson 8: Aging Myths Exposed
    Debunking misconceptions about the aging process.

  • Lesson 9: The Good Old Days
    Reflecting on historical perceptions of aging and their relevance today.

  • Lesson 10: Anti-Oxy-What?
    Unpacking the significance of antioxidants in the fight against aging.

  • Lesson 11: Hormones - Your Body's Mirror
    A comprehensive study on the role of hormones in aging.

  • Lesson 12: Aging Gracefully
    Embracing the golden years with poise, dignity, and vigor.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we challenge perceptions, shatter myths, and chart a course towards aging with grace, energy, and confidence.

  • Completely Online
  • Self-Paced
  • Printable Lessons
  • Full HD Video  
  • 6 Months to Complete
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Start Anytime
  • PC & Mac Compatible
  • Android & iOS Friendly
  • Accredited CEUs
Universal Class is an IACET Accredited Provider

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Identify various techniques that can be used to make people look younger.
  • Describe the role of diet and exercise to stay and look healthy.
  • Recognize common aging myths.
  • Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher.

Assessment Guide

Assessment Points
An Introduction 1 points
Quiz for Lesson 1: Appearances, Appearances 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 2: Move it or Lose it! 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 3: Cosmetic Wonders 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 4: Healthy Balances 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 5: I Know I Should - But I Don't 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 6: It's All About Attitude 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 7: The Importance of Nutrition 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 8: Aging Myths Exposed 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 9: The Good Old Days 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 10: Anti-Oxy-What? 10 points
Quiz for Lesson 11: Hormones - Your Body's Mirror 9 points
Quiz for Lesson 12: Aging Gracefully 10 points
The Final Exam 59 points
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